Chapter 78- Eating Break

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The waitress came out in a hurry with trembling hands that made some of the beverage spilled as she walked and placed them with a heavy thud on the table.

"Y-your drinks!"

She bowed once more but this time stared at Kami as if looking for confirmation that there was anything else he would need her to do.

Kami coughed as he smiled at her and nodded his head.

This seemed to calm her a bit as she let out a heavy breath and walked away.

"Is it really that uncommon for a God to walk around like this? Considering almost everything here is about God's in one way or another I would think there would be a few who are like me."

Drairgun sat in silence for a long while before speaking up.

"There are a few other God's like yourself who walk among us mortals in the land of Tyr. The reason why it's so rare in these times is due to the conflict of the God's that is currently on going. In past times the God's used to live here, among us mortals in the land of Tyr. Of course, they were treated as is their nature, divine beings who far surpass our own. However, once Otherworld's control was split by the previous God who held the throne of Celestia and that of the Abyss, the God's mostly disappeared from this land and took their war elsewhere. Now a days, although the God's continue to bless us and the war of these Gods have begun plaguing our land, we still don't have many of your kind here. They are mostly recruited by one side or the other, considering how rare the appearance of a God is, any side would benefit from having one."

"Hmmm, but basically, you don't intend to worship me, right?"

Drairgun seemed taken a back before he answered.

"If that is your intention, we could most certa-"

"Nonono, forget I even mentioned it."

"We don't worship all the God's, we primarily treat them with respect and look up to them as a source of strength. Some, like priests, and priestess, can dedicated themselves to a certain God to a level of worshipping them. We also don't expect them to go around saving us considering they have people like us, Heroes, to do the job."

I see, so I suppose they still do think of Gods as all powerful beings but at the same time don't get too obsessed with them. It's seems like Gods are more of a race like a Dragon, Human, Elf, etc. rather than this holier-than-thou being.

"If I may ask now, you seem to know very little of our world. Would it be safe to believe you are a new born God?"

Kami tilted his head before nodding his head.

Drairgun placed his hands on the table as an aura of dread surrounded him.

Kami continued to eat unimpressed by the sudden change in atmosphere but everyone around them tensed at the sight of this.

"What are your intentions now then? Will you be joining the God of Calamity in claiming the throne of Celestia, or Goddess Iatra's side in protecting and defending mortality?"

Ah so he's trying to see if I'm a potential enemy or ally. That's what this whole show is about.

Kami finished his bread before once more taking a chug of his drink and letting out a very pleased sigh.

"Neither honestly. I could care less about this war between the Gods. Although if I had to pick a side it would be Iatra's. Mostly because I intend to travel this land and if there's anything, I can do to help others, I will do it."

Drairgun seemed to relax as the aura dissipated. His shoulders dropped a bit but his staggering demeanor remained the same.

Well as long as I'm playing a God in this world, I might enjoy the benefits of playing around as one.

As he said this he placed his hand on the table and stood up feeling content.

"I suppose we should leave now; your king probably has heard by now of these events."

Himari and Drairgun stood up from their seats almost immediately as he did. Drairgun lifted Doryu onto his shoulder and waited for Kami to make the next move.

Kami removed his hand from the table revealing a somewhat large stash of gold coins he had created appear on it. As he had said, if he was going to play a God in this world, he might as well do as he pleases.

All eyes immediately rested upon the gold as there was a large awe that filled the room.

"D-did he just make gold out of thin air."

"This must be a God of Riches, o-or can all Gods create money like that?"

"What is he going to do with all that gold?"

Kami looked over at the waitress that had been observing them from a far and smiled at her.

She stood there now more shocked at the sudden appearance of the gold than the God that stood in front of her.

"A generous tip for you. Thanks for the service!"

God's an Adventurer: Volume Iحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن