Chapter 77- Power Spike

Start from the beginning

This universe must treat Gods in a different manner. They are probably the most powerful beings in the Universe but considering they know of their existence and not to mention the one God they hold in regard above all is probably not the one showing herself in front of them, a God Class being is probably seen more as a rare and powerful sight than anything else. Aaah, that's actually kind of nice, don't have to deal with too many people throwing themselves at my feet.

Before he knew it Drairgun got down in one knee and placed one of his hands onto his chest before speaking in a most humble and modest voice he had heard him use so far.

"My apologies, my ignorance of your true nature has led me to speak and say some rude thing against you. As a servant of the Gods, and one who was blessed by such a being, I am ashamed of my behavior beforehand."

Kami opened his mouth in a happy smile and closed his eyes.

Or maybe everything I said before is untrue. They do worship God's here after all. I'm jumping to conclusions maybe. This is more of a royal treatment than anything else.

Himari and Doryu were unaware of what was happening, but Doryu managed to see Drairgun posture himself in front of Kami.

This did not sit well with him as his anger boiled. He had felt the power that this Hero Kami had unleashed right now but even so, seeing the Hero of the Draconian people, his master, his idle, put himself in such a manner in front of someone else was more than he wanted to ever see.

With very little control of his actions he felt his body move towards Kami. He would strike him down and show Drairgun that there was no need to put himself in such a position.

His movements now sharper than ever with the intent to not just do harm but kill, became swifter than they had been when he had been fighting Himari.

"You are unworthy!" he yelled out as he ran past Himari.

This would have been more than Himari would have been able to handle but now since she got her new found strength she easily looked over at Doryu. His movements despite having been something she had found to be a lot harder to keep up with were actually quite slow to her now. She could tell he was moving fast, for what he was but in her eyes it was like watching someone casually walking past her.

Himari lifted her staff at just the right time in front of Doryu as his face smacked against it.

"Agh!" he exclaimed as he fell back and rolled on the ground in pain.

Himari blinked surprised at her own reaction time, looking down at Doryu cursing out the pain she had inflicted. She had expected to simply slow him down but once he had smacked his face against the staff she realized compared to her own strength now, his barely managed to even shake her hand. It was essentially him against an unmovable rock at this point.

Doryu looked up at Himari once he was done,shocked at what had just happened as he sat up.

"Don't tell me-"

Himari didn't allow any reaction time as she lifter her finger at him and smiled.

"If you try to hurt him, I won't hesitate to kill you."

As she said this a small flame appeared on her fingertip before shooting forwards towards him.

The effect was sudden as a large explosion of fire hit Doryu sending him flying back. However, unlike last time where he was easily able to withstand her every basic skill, this time he felt every burn across his body.

He crashed into a wall at the other end of the Colosseum only to fall face flat against the ground.

"T-that's...too powerful...for a..." Doryu mumbled before finally falling unconscious.

Kami who had payed attention to the small fight frowned before smiling once more.

I didn't think Himari had it in her to make such a threat. She seemed so lovable and innocent. I wonder if I'm affecting her negatively. Would old man Itsu be okay with this?

Himari on the other hand smiled and skipped towards Kami in a joyful nature.

"I did it Mister Kami, thanks to your level up, I beat him!"

She latched onto Kami as she rubbed her face against him.

She thinks I leveled up? How would I even go about doing that while I'm just standing her NOT gaining Experience. Ahh guess I should also let her know. Cats out of the bag anyway, not like I did a very good job hiding it anyway.

Drairgun who had also been witness to the commotion remained in his same state before speaking.

"Forgive my apprentice for such a display. His intent is misplaced as mines was and I shall let him know of the situation as soon as he is in condition to do so."

Himari just threw him across the arena with a single spell and instead of being angry he is apologizing some more? Damn this is like every universe with Gods. Everyone bows to them no matter what they or the beings associated with them do. Guess that's more of the nature of the weaker submitting to the strong.

Kami shook his head and sighed.

Should have saved before so I could restart before I picked my Class. I could always...go back.

"If I may ask, what is one like yourself doing in the land of Tyr."

Drairgun's question snapped Kami back into reality as he looked down at him.

Should he answer honestly and say he was just a God who had come from a different Universe or should he still play along and see where this gets him?

He let out heavy sigh before smiling.

"I'm hungry, let's eat."

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