Chapter 92

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Liam POV:

The 5 Seconds of Summer boys had an acoustic show today and were rushing around the hotel, going in and out of one another’s doors, calling out if their phone had charged as I sat on the couch in my hotel room, getting myself comfortable. I overheard Becky saying her byes to someone, who I assumed was Ashton. Due to my door being wide open, she appeared to my left, clearly knowing it was okay to do so, she sat down beside me. 

A sigh escaped her lips before she spoke out. “Everything’s all rush and go these days and I’m struggling to keep track of it all, I swear I haven’t even spoken to Zayn once this week.” Her face was in her hands causing her words to mumble whilst she sat bent over sighing heavily.

 “You seem extremely stressed for someone who just watches everyone do the busy work whilst eating pizza.”

“I eat more than pizza, and that’s not the point. The point is that… I don’t even know what the point is, what was I even talking about? I can’t remember what I just said. Ugh what is-”

“Woah, calm down. Why don’t you just hang with me and watch movies, it’s been a while since we got to hang out” A tired smile spread across her features as she nodded softly, pulling me into a hug that seemed foreign yet so familiar.

“I’ve missed you, the old times.”

“Me too.”

2 movies down and Becky had eaten 3, going on 4, bowls of popcorn, including my bowl. This seemed unusual to me as she never ate throughout movies before. Her hair was still messed from the multiples times she attempted wrapping it in a bun before it was pulled out minutes later, and the duvet I had pulled off of my bed was now blanketing her restless body. Though she had drifted off, tossing and turning meant her body was still awake.

My eyebrows were tugged into a frown from her odd state but were lifted at the sight of a friendly face that had entered the room. 

“Mind if I join? Seems your company is in another world” She chuckled softly, her hair too was messed. I nodded, shuffling to the side so that I was in the middle, to give her space to sit. Sophie, whom was still in her large shirt and checker bottoms that she wore for night use, took the space beside me, giving me a small smile.

“What’s happened now?” I frowned. Something had happened and I had missed because the two girls were acting unusually different and it bothered me.

“Nothing?” My frown mirrored hers yet hers was full of confusion as mine was of worry. 

“I’ve missed something… Is it about your” My hands waved into a circle around her figure as I spoke “Illness?”

“It’s not an ‘illness’ as such, I’m just sick and no there’s nothing you’ve missed. Why? Have I missed something too?”

“Rebecca won’t stop twitching while she’s sleeping, like I know she talks and occasionally walks in her sleep when she’s not home but she looked exhausted when she came in and it worried me. Then there’s you with your small smile that isn’t even classed as a true smile” Her eyes followed my stare towards Rebecca, a frown of worry too falling on her face. I sighed, shrugging off the worry. It was Sophie who I had to worry about. “Anyway, how are you feeling?”

“I was sick this morning but nothing since, hopefully it’ll pass soon.”

“I hope so; Michael’s really worried about you. We all are to be honest.” I looked over to her hand that was clutching her swollen stomach. 

“There’s nothing to be worried about, it’s just some stomach bug” She shrugged, the same small smile returning for a second. 

The smile was interrupted by a shout. Sophie’s features became tense as she leant over the side of the couch, clutching harder at her stomach harder. I rushed closer to her, placing an arm around her back as my hand rubbed small circles. Her teeth were clenched and her fists balled, gasping onto the cloth that covered her.

“Sophie? Are you okay…” She tried nodding but instead ended up shouting out in pain. I looked over to Rebecca but she still remained in her sleepy condition, the shouting not waking her. 

“Its okay” I cooed, continuing to make circles on her back. “Michael left 2 hours ago and won’t be back for another 4 but I’m here for the time being. Take deep breathes, it’s just stomach cramps.” 

The words fell out of my mouth before I thought deeper into my previous sentence. 

Stomach cramps?

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