Chapter 70- Taking a Stroll

Start from the beginning

You know this is not that different from the human kingdom. It's all virtually the same so far. I would love to find some of their local Magic shops or something. I want to buy some new skills for Himari. Ah, also, I'm going to be staying here just a bit longer than I thought. Is Sayu going to be alright by herself? She should be fine I mean, Hiromichi is with her. Should I try and send a message somehow to let her know? No, Thief said she would explain the situation.

He once again noticed Himari's stare on him as he looked once more at her.

She quickly glanced away trying to hide the fact that she was staring.

What's with her? Maybe there's something on my clothes or something and she's too embarrassed to say? No that's not it, my face maybe? Don't really want to ask her again, if she doesn't want to tell me.

He shrugged it off and looked back at the street. If it was important, she would probably let him know sooner or later. With very little worry he resumed his previous thoughts.

Asahi, Marie, and Keishi are pretty much gone now though. Not like Hiromichi, Sayu and Thief that are just waiting for me to get back at this point. Well as I said, I didn't think they would stick around that long to begin with. Might make my way to the Elven Kingdom after this whole business is done...or maybe I should explore more of the areas around these kingdoms. All I have explored so far is one little village, two capital cities, and a forest. There's probably other fantastic areas within these two nations I should take a look at.

As he thought about this the sense of excitement returned to him. He had been so focused on being the Hero since he got here, he forgot there was a side to adventuring he completely ignored. Soon as he was done with this business, he would be doing a lot more exploring.

Kami turned his eyes over at Himari in one swift movement catching her, ones more staring at him.

She shrunk this time as her eyes turned and wandered the ground in front of her.

Wonder what's going on with her? If she has something to say I would like it if she would just come out and say it. Ah, maybe she's just nervous about being somewhere completely different. Being surrounded by others of a different species might be a bit overwhelming for her.

Kami lifted his hand slowly and patted her head as they walked.

He noticed her face become slightly flushed again as she shrunk deeper down.

"M-mister Kami..."

Kami's raised his eyebrows and simply responded.

"What's the matter Himari?"

"You're a lot stronger than what you were back...back then when you tried to..."

She remained silent as Kami stared back at her.

Of course, how could he have forgotten. Himari was under a curse that he had promised to break. That must have been why she was acting so nervously around him since they got here.

Kami smiled and patted her head once again.

"The curse right? Don't worry I'm pretty sure it should be easy to break now."

Her eyes lit up as she finally perked up once more. She seemed incapable of standing still now as her excitement oozed out from within her.

Without his Omniscient passive on it seems it was even possible for something to slip past his own mind. It was a strange feeling he had at realizing this but came to terms with it just as quickly. It didn't matter to him at this moment anyway, this was essentially a vacation for him.

Kami held his fingers up and smiled.

"Are you ready?"

Himari nodded her head as they stood in silence.

Kami snapped his fingers as a vortex of dark energy surrounded Himari.

He realized almost immediately that breaking the curse in the middle of an open crowd was probably not a good idea as the commotion caused by it unraveling its grip from Himari attracted a large attention.

Some people began panicking at the sight of the dark aura surrounding a small child and others simply froze in fear.

The energy began unraveling more furiously as the force it exuded began causing the people closer to them to be thrown back.

Kami smiled as he looked straight at Himari as the winds violent rushed across his face.

Her body began glowing as its shape began to change.

Some of the guards around the street noticed the commotion and  mobilized towards Kami and Himari as they surrounded them with their weapons out.

Kami let out a small laugh at seeing this and continued to observe the change in Himari.He was pretty sure he was going to be thrown in jail for this.

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