69. Caught III

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Gigi is putting me to the test, and I wouldn't like to slip up. We talked and I lied to her again. I told her about a shag on the New Year's Eve party. It would have been meaningless and drunk. She forgave me. We are back in balance. Since the party, I haven't seen and spoken Harry, but spent the time with Gigi. No message or phone call with him. She is suspicious and observes all my movements.

Harry's tour starts in the next few days. We would hardly see each other. Of course I miss him, but I don't want to make a date. I realize that I am turning the situation in my favor. That makes my life easier. I'm a selfish man. I'm an asshole. That's how I am.


I was not mistaken. The new year started romantically and hotly, to turn to the opposite in short time. In fact I'm facing the ruins. I called Zayn hundreds of times - hundreds of times no response. That speaks volumes. We've come back to the same point, as so often. Zayn makes his life the way he wants it to be. I'm just playing the side character. I am love on call.

My tour starts the day after tomorrow. It is completely sold out. No time to think about it. No time for Zayn. Before I leave I have several meetings with my tour manager. I'm on my way to the first meeting. This takes place not far from my apartment, so I decide to walk.

On the way, I get an appetite for coffee. The Starbucks is just around the corner. When I enter Starbucks, it is still half empty. I order a cup of coffee and wait. My gaze wanders around. At one of the small tables I see Gigi and Zayn. Hoping that they will not see me, I turn away. My body trembles like crazy and hurts. For weeks I haven't seen him and just here I meet him with her. Deeply hurt I try to ignore both of them.

"Harry!" Shouts a female voice. Gigi. I'm not responding.

 "Harry!", It sounds again.

My face pretends surprise. Heat rises in me.

"Hey, sit down with us," says Gigi.

"Oh, hello you two!", I reply and stand helpless at the table.

"Harry, please take a seat ! How are you?"

Zayn drums embarrassed with his fingertips against the cup and looks disinterested. His eyes are averted.

"Thanks, I'm fine, My tour begins in two days and I'm under stress." I answer her question. 

They are in love. Forgotten seem the quarrels and I've been forgotten too. All the same, I think.

"Please excuse me for a moment. I have to go to the toilet."

I leave my mug on their desk and hurry to the bathroom. My breathing is heavy. If I'm too excited, I get asthma. I cough in front of the sink and try to calm down. This can't be true. Here, of all places, I meet him. Nothing has changed for him, but everything for me. The door is opened and he walkes in. 

"Are you okay, Harry? Your asthma, huh?" 

"Yes, my asthma, Zayn, and my heart," I answer. 

"Harry, let me explain ....", he wants to tell. I interrupt his speech. 

"Save your hypocritical explanations once in a lifetime, Zayn! Just once ! I'm sick of it!" I whine. "You're happy again? Wonderful! You kept lying to her again? Your problem! But me, Zayn, I'm no longer a puppet in your game! " 

"Harry, it wasn't like that," he intervenes. 

"Tell me! Tell me the next lie!  I don't care anymore! Zayn, you hurt all the people who feel something for you, because you want to go the easy way! But that doesn't work anymore and you have to make a decision! If you don't make it -  then I'll do it. It's over! I break up with you! "

 My words echo in the bathroom. Zayn's face is white as a sheet. He doesn't speak. I pronounced what was long overdue. My heart is shattered into a thousand pieces right now. I cry and can't calm down. Silently we face each other and have lost ourselves.

It's taking all your strenght (Zarry /AU.) /English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now