24. Jamaica II

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The van stops in front of our lodge. Old memories come into my mind. Last year I wrote and produced half of my album here - we were creative for weeks. After my catastrophic date, I threw myself into work to forget everything. Now I stand here and have the feeling to start all over again.

The crew is sitting on the terrace and discusses the next few days. Some of my lyrics are not yet set to music. We discuss melodies, sing different versions and don't even realize that we are already fully absorbed in the work again.

Jamaica won't let me rest. My thoughts keep wandering to Zayn. I never went back to the beach - the separation caused him great pain. That night, I drove alone back to the lodge and cried, unable to think straight. Lou didn't talk to me about it the next morning. She knew she was right. Since then, Zayn's name has never crossed her lips again.

With a hired photographer we all spend the afternoon in the countryside. The album is almost finished and we need some footage. I cut my hair for my new period in life. The stylist prances around and drives us crazy. The provided clothing looks casual. However, I still insist on my own stuff. I knot the red bandana around my neck and I don't remove my rose ring either. I haven't given up hope of living with Zayn yet. The color "red" and the "rose" are his symbols, that I keep in my heart. He will surely see the photos later and then spot my message.

It's taking all your strenght (Zarry /AU.) /English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now