20. The Date II

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After driving for an half hour, they finally arrived the beach and brings both back to reality. Harry turns to Zayn and looks at him intensely. And there he is, the heavenly Zayn with his pitch-black hair - as always well-styled. His eyes run over the man's profile. He loves his high cheekbones and the lips still have the slight gentle swing. Harry has the need to stroke it tenderly with his fingertips.

Zayn looks at him and rouses Harry from his thoughts.

 "Shall we go?" He asks, untying the seatbelt. Harry nods.

The beach is almost deserted at this time. Barefoot, with their shoes in their hands, they walk through the warm sand. Under a palm tree Zayn unfolds the blanket and sits down. Harry does the same and listens to the sound of the sea. The waves gently move to the shore and wash stones and shells ashore.

"Well," he finally ends the silence. 

Zayn looks up. 

"You wanted to meet me?" 

"Yes, absolutely.", Nods Zayn.

"I've read about you and Gigi, I'm so sorry for you," he says, stroking a strand of hair behind his ear.

 "Haz, I didn't invite you to talk to you about Gigi or my relationship," he stammers back. 

"You're still wearing it, aren't you?" He asks. 

"What, who?" Harry answers confused.

 "The ring! My rose ring!", He replies and points to his hand.

 A smile plays around his mouth. 

"Yeah, I wear it the whole long time." 

Zayn then reaches into his neckline and pulls out a goldennecklace. Between his thumb and forefinger he shows Harry the massive pendant. 

"I still have your ring and I never forgotten you, Haz." 

They look at each other for a while and hold the gaze. Harry leans in, without breaking eye contact. He perceives the familiar smell of vanilla and cigarette smoke. His mouth seeks Zayns and finds it. Gently, he presses his lips on it and a tingling sensation passes through his body. He closes his eyes. He's been waiting for this moment for two years and now he's finally come.

Zayn trembles inside. The pitch-haired man grabs Harry's cheeks, pulling him closer. Then he gently bites his lower lip. Harry's mouth opens slightly and Zayn instinctively lets his tongue slide in. Their kiss deepens. Lips clash against each other, tongues dance, hands wander and the two forget everything around them.

It's taking all your strenght (Zarry /AU.) /English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now