39. Larry III

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Flashback Zayn

The bad mood among us guys is troubling me. Louis is very hurt after Harry outed him in public. That was an absolute misunderstanding. It hurts me that Harry thought I was telling such personal things. I would never have dared to do that. On my way to Louis's apartment, I try to find the right to words.

When I'm at the door, there are no noises to be heard. I knock gently. Nobody answers. I open the door. I walk unsuspectingly into the living room and I lose my breath. On the sofa lie Harry and Louis kissing and tightly embraced.

"Oh!" I stammer. 

That's all I can say. I'm so ashamed I don't know where to look. Both jump up and tug at their clothes. Angrily, I leave the apartment.

My heart racing won't stop. The sight of the kissing couple hurts me deeply. I thought Harry's crush on Louis was over. I was so wrong. My heart hurts in my chest. For more than a year, I've been adoring Harry. He doesn't suspect a thing. I will never tell him either. I now realize that I have no chance with him. Harry likes exciting, eloquent and funny people. I'm none of this. Everyone mocks me because I'm too quiet and too shy. I'm scared of crowds. I love to draw and read.

At night I lie awake for a long time. I can't sleep. On the balcony, I secretly smoke a cigarette. Paul doesn't like that. Lonely I blow blue clouds of smoke into the night.

It's taking all your strenght (Zarry /AU.) /English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now