52. The Letter

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On the way to a fashion show with Camille, the presenter announces a new song on the radio. Automatically I turn it louder and wait intently for the first bars of the artist. When I hear the voice, my body responds immediately and trembles. I feel like a teenager who has been rejected by his beloved. Camille fortunately doesn't notice my condition. It's Zayn with his new song. 

"From Dusk till Dawn".

Concentrated, I listen to every single word. I don't want to miss a single syllable. My heart and my senses for Zayn are back to life.  Now it only becomes clear to me, how much I have repressed my feelings and how much I still love him. He always has a place in my heart. Camille won't change that.

I download the song later on my iPod and listen to it at home all the time. This is my conversation with Zayn.

"From Dusk till Dawn" is the indirect answer to my music and my lyrics. Zayn is a master of words and ambiguity. Only we both understand this kind of communication because it affects both of us. I have received his answer and understood. "From the Dining Table" is my letter to Zayn and "From Dusk till Dawn" his response to it.

In all my emptiness, which I try to fill with affairs, hope suddenly seizes me again. He didn't forget me. Zayn is just hurt. I was also offended when he announced his engagement with Perrie Edwards.

It's taking all your strenght (Zarry /AU.) /English VersionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora