Corazon x M!Reader x Law ~ Text Message Mishap Pt.1

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I hummed along to the music I had blasting into my headphones as I sat cross-legged on the large red sofa with my laptop on my lap and a hot cup of Jasmine tea on the coffee table in front of me. I typed madly as the due date on some important files was just a few hours away and if I didn't get them in on time, Doffy would kill me. I work for his mafia family along with the Heart Family and the Straw-hat family; Law begged me to join his group as I have certain skills his family needs and Luffy is Law's boyfriend so I couldn't say no, plus he's adorable!

"HOLY FUCK!!" A loud crash came from the kitchen; I jumped up, ripped out my headphones, and rushed over to see my husband on his ass with flour all over him, his smile widened once he saw me in the doorway. Sighing, I helped him up and cleaned the kitchen while he went to the bedroom to get himself cleaned off.

"What was this all about, Corazon?" I asked, feeling his arms wrap around my waist and his head on my shoulder. I looked outside the kitchen window to watch as the neighbourhood kids walked home from school, a familiar sensation warmed my heart as their smiles shined.

"I was hungry," he mumbled, nuzzling my neck. Giggling, I turned around in his arms and kissed his chapped lips, lacing my fingers through his golden hair. He began to walk forward, backing us up to the counter; grabbing my hips, Corazon lifted me up and placed me on the now clean counter to continue our heated make-out session at his height as I was quite shorter than him. Before we could make our kitchen into a scene from an R rated movie, a large group of cars parked themselves in the driveway.

"Rosi~ Law's home and he brought friends," I whispered, jerking my head to the window. Nodding, he helped me down from the counter and began to make his way up the stairs to his office; I grabbed his hand before he could take another step.

"I'll be upstairs, Law thinks I embarrass him when he brings friends over." Sighing, I reached up and kissed his cheek before letting him go. I swayed through the house to my laptop, sitting on the couch to continue working as Luffy burst through the front door.

"Sorry to intrude!" he shouted, leaving his shoes by the door to then tackle me with open arms. I hugged him back as I watched the rest of his "crew" walk through the door, Bepo waddled through the door behind Usopp and Sachi, Law being the last of them all. After everyone had settled in, Law stood behind the couch to wrap his arms around my shoulders, his breath smelling slightly of nicotine.

"Where's Cora-san?"

"Oh? I thought he embarrassed you in front of your friends?" The word that next left his lips frightened me, sending chills down to my core.

"Doflamingo." I pointed upstairs, he kissed my cheek before going to find my husband. I quickly sent my work off to Monet; shutting my laptop down, I looked at everyone to see they all had concerned looks on their faces as they looked after Law.

"Does anyone know why Law said his name?" I inquired, receiving heads shaking no except for Bepo, he seemed on edge.

"Bepo? Do you know anything?" He shut his eyes, trying to keep his words in but failed miserably as he burst seconds later.

"I didn't mean to look over his shoulder but when Captain looked really mad, I just had to know why. Doflamingo had sent him a list of slaves ready to be shipped to those who paid for them before texting him Wrong Number." I never told anyone but pain shot through the scars on my wrists as the word slave sent a cold sweat down my back.

That's how I first met Rosinante, as he was known back when we first met; Doflamingo had bought me from a horrid slave trader to give to Rosi as a helping hand but Rosi felt bad for me and soon we became lovers, which Doffy was okay with somehow. Law was still little back then and looked up to me as almost a mother figure while Rosi had been like a father so when we moved out, we decided to take Law away from the Donquixote Family to give him a little happiness and a childhood too.

"Room" Law suddenly appeared on the couch behind Luffy, wrapping his arms around him and silently crying into his shoulder. I left the couch to go get drinks for everyone, I could hear them all talking and laughing to make sure Law was okay.

"I know he's my older brother and I respect his work but this has gone too far!" shouted Corazon as he walked into the kitchen, a cigarette hanging in his mouth. He angrily began to flick the black steel lighter I got for his birthday; before he could light himself on fire, I snatched it from his hand and lite the smoke for him, picking up the drink tray a few minutes later for the people in the living room.

"You should talk to him then, Rosinante. He will listen to you, whether he'll admit it or not," I said, placing the tray on the coffee table with Rosi in tow. He smoked with rage in his eyes, his once shining eyes were now dark with hate.

"He has never listened!"

"You'd be surprised, love. I can contact Monet and ask to set up a meeting with him if you'd like." Luffy's eyes grew wide as he stood up with an idea rushing around in his head.

"You can do that?!" I nodded, "good, I'm gonna kick his ass!" Everyone agreed with Luffy but Law's said otherwise.

"Even if we spoke to him, he wouldn't stop his work. The person he was supposed to send that message to was Kaido."

"One of the biggest mafia leaders, that Kaido?" questioned Robin, Law nodded before pulling Luffy back onto the couch to hug some more. My heart almost broke as I saw how much pain that one text message caused him. Grabbing Rosi's hand, I pulled him to the kitchen to speak with him on the matter more in depth.

"I have to go in tomorrow so, I'll see what I can do, alright?"

"No, I'll come with you and back you up just in case Doffy does something he'll regret later."

~~~Time Skip~~~

I had made everyone dinner before they all had to leave for home. Luffy was the last to leave, he had to wait for Ace and Sabo to pick him up; he sat on the couch with Law as I sat with Rosi on one of the many comfy chairs we had in the room.

"(Y/n), do you think I could go see Mingo?" I looked back at Luffy in surprise, nodding slightly after I thought about it for a while. He smiled brightly as a knock on the door tore me away from Rosi's warmth; Sabo smiled at me once I opened the door as Ace sat behind the wheel, waving at me with his signature smile which I returned.

"Thank you for having him, sorry if he was a handful like always," sighed Sabo as he noticed Luffy smiling mischievously behind me.

"It's fine, Sabo. Just watch over him tomorrow, okay?" He nodded before ushering him into the car and driving off home; I closed the door and watched as Law gave Rosi a huge hug.

"Bedtime there, kiddo?" I asked; Law nodded with droopy eyes. I walked over and kissed him on the cheek, leading him to his room to get ready to sleep. As he did, Rosi seemed distant as he walked into our shared room with a glazed over look on his face. I made my way in front of him, caressing his face with a soft smile on my face; he pecked my lips before heading to the bathroom to get himself ready for bed as well. All I had to do was get dressed into one of Rosinante's old oversized t-shirts; Law waddled in and nuzzled his head into my shoulder, saying goodnight before closing his bedroom door.

"(Y/n), I hope you know what you're doing," Rosi mumbled as he left the on-suite bathroom. I shrugged, hopping under the covers and snuggling up to Rosi's chest once he joined me.

"Love you, Corazon."

"Hmm, love you too, (y/n)."

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