Heath Ledger x F!Reader ~ Love's Joker

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Requested by Crazy4Hawk 


He let me tag along as he needed the extra moral support today during the film's makeup and shooting. The Dark Knight by Christopher Nolan! A really big project that Heath was excited about. I blushed as I glanced over to the driver seat where he sat; I will admit, my crush on him was growing. The studio gates opened and we parked near the makeup door.

"Here," Heath pulled up a chair for me to sit in beside him while the artist got everything ready, "to keep you close." I giggled, sitting with my book on my lap as the makeup artist shook up the green hairspray. He sat still, shivering slightly once the cool paint hit his skin. The hair didn't take long but the latex and makeup were another story. He was allowed to walk around and practice his lines, pacing up and down with silly expressions on his face.

"Heath, you'll do fine," I cooed, laughing as he plopped down on his chair again. I gave his hand a quick squeeze before watching him smile and continue his practice. I felt a small tap on my shoulder.

"Excuse me, are you here with Mr. Ledger?" I nodded at the lady, holding up the visitor badge Heath had given me earlier. "Can you make sure he puts this on, it's his suit."

"Okay, thank you." We smiled at each other before she left; I waved down the Joker as he had made it to the other side of the studio. "Your suit, sir," I teased in my best British accent. Laughing, he kissed my cheek and went to get dressed. My cheeks flushed, burning and tingling from where his lips had touched. I grazed the spot lightly with my fingers, playing the moment over in my head again and again.

"Ledger, studio B." A voice came from the small walkie-talkie on the makeup artist's hip, calling the actor on to the set.

"Alright, here we go," Heath chimed as we headed for the door.

"Wait," I whispered, holding his gloved hand so we'd be alone for a few seconds. "I love you," I said, feeling as bright as a tomato. Even with the white paint, I could still see a soft pink glow from beneath. I kissed his ruby red lips, lingering there for a second or two before pushing him out the door and into the set.

"I-I love you too," he stuttered, wrapping his head around everything it seemed. For the rest of the shoot after every scene, he had a goofy grin on his face and stood by me whenever he could. 

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