Billy Lenz x Reader ~ Like you. Like me.

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Requested by amai_110 


The cold wind stung my face as I bolted through the streets, my sleeves dangling past my knees. Freedom was mine and nobody, not even the white coats, could take it away again! A house at the end of the road caught my eye, it's perfectly kept garden making my welcome warm. I knocked on the door, swinging my arms back and forth while waiting for it to open. A short man stood in the doorway.

"May I come in?" I asked sweetly, smiling wide as he nodded. I closed the front door behind me before wrapping my covered hands around his stout neck, squeezing every bit of air out of his lungs with a hum. After a job well done, one gets hungry and the kitchen was just around the corner. "Ooo! Cake!" A whole cake all to myself, what a great day!

Ring Ring.

The phone in the living room went off after an hour of solitude, my cake was only half-finished. With a skip in my step, I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" It was silent for a moment before oddly sexual low moans came from the other end, animal yet human-like. It did this for a while before a voice spoke words instead.

"I'm gonna kill you!" the man shouted.

"Not if I get you first!" I sang with laughter. The caller almost seemed confused as he hung up, I smiled triumphantly. I sat back down in the kitchen, making more progress on the dessert in front of me. A man about my age loomed in the doorway, I shuffled a bit on the stool. I opened the drawer beside me, he watched my arms like a hawk as I held out a fork to him. "Care to join me?" He approached slowly, look at the fork then back to me before taking the fork and sitting next to me.

"Billy," he mumbled through the cake. I stuck out my sleeve-covered hand.

"(Y/n)!" I smiled. We shook hands before going back to cake; his eyes shifted to the music system my victim had. Leaving his stool, he pressed the play button and a strange song came through the speakers. He held out his hand to me.

"Would you like to dance?" I jumped up and shimmied my way over to him so we could dance the night away as free killers in love. 

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