Steve Rogers x F!Reader ~ Change!

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"Shit, it's everywhere!"

"That's what she said!!" Tony and Sam high-five each other at that terrible joke as Vision had bumped my hand that held my mug of perfect hot chocolate and made it spill all down my shirt. Grumbling, I trudged down to my room in the Avengers' HQ to change my shirt; I passed Nat and Bucky on the way, they eyed my shirt and started to laugh.

"Okay! Nat, I'm stealing one of your shirts since your room is right here!" I opened her door and stepped inside before she could stop me. I placed my ear on the door to hear mumbled voices before they walked away. Sighing, I looked around Nat's room to find a shirt; I tossed my chocolate shirt on her floor and started to raid her drawers for a top that wasn't too flashy yet still nice looking. As I moved to a lower drawer, I heard my phone go off on top of the furniture and hit my head on the open drawer above my head.

"FUCK!!" I screamed while clutching my head. I heard loud thuds approach the room and the door burst open to reveal Steve with a worried expression.

"Nat! Is everything-" Steve stopped midsentence and stared at my half-clothed form with his cheeks bright red with embarrassment.


"Like what you see, Captain?" I teased, wrapping my left arm around my waist and my right pulled my bra strap up off my shoulder a bit. His eyes grew wider and he turned stiff.

"I'm sorry. Won't happen again." And with that, he backed out of the room and left down the hallway. Laughing to myself, I cleaned up Natasha's room, found a Star Wars shirt, and walked out with my phone in hand. Steve sat on a chair in the main living room with the others worried about his current flush face; I sashayed towards him and placed a kiss on his red cheek, whispering something and leaving for the library to read with Loki as he was the only quiet one.

"My room. Eight o'clock."

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