Chapter 67- Departure

Start from the beginning

Kami let out a small chuckle while the prince fell into thought.

It  was a long walk through Kami's perspective. Perhaps it was the urge to  get to Draconian Empire faster than made this simple task feel somewhat  dragged. He looked around the hallways admiring the arts and objects  placed around the castle. It caught his interest seeing all the types of  paintings they had literally everywhere in this place.

Some  images depicted what looked like great battles between humans and other  races he saw in games. Others were of fantastic magical sceneries he assumed where real places in this word. The more lackluster ones were of people he didn't recognized and figured they were probably from a long time ago.

Through his distraction, he barely noticed that they had arrived at the throne  room as he finally snapped out of it and looked at the figures standing near.

There were a few he recognized. His personal companion, Himari  stared anxiously at Kami as if she had not seen him for a long while.  There was Marie, who looked somewhat relieved to see that it was a formal meeting this time within the castle and not some reason why Kami  was being locked up again. Asahi looked serious as ever but still had a  glimmer of happiness at seeing Kami was fine. Keishi was as usual,  standing behind everyone trying to avoid any eye contact with him,  grumping over the fact that once again they were being dragged into some situation centering around Kami. Thief was there as well, looking a bit  nervous as if she was guilty of something.

Kami looked around a bit more hoping to see Sayu  and Hiromichi but the only other people there were a group of people  wearing distinct armor and robes from that of this kingdom. He realized  soon enough these were probably the ones who had been sent by the  Draconian Empire to challenge Kami.

As they got closer one certain man from the group walked up and spoke.

"Greetings your highness, and you, you must be the Hero that has created some topic of conversation around our kingdoms."

The  man was tall and lean but Kami quickly noticed a few features that were different from him. His eyes were different to those of humans and he had what looked like scales across his neck that were barely visible. He  was only able to tell when the light of the room gave them a reflective nature.

The room went silent again as everyone stared at Kami waiting for him to speak up but he simply stared at the man.

The man coughed and mumbled a few words before speaking up once more.

"Your  highness must have already let you know why we are here. The fact that you have come must mean you are more than ready to take on our own Hero.  We did not expect such a hasty response."

Kami shrugged and smiled once again making the room fall in silence.

The man coughed once more and mumbled a few other words.

"V-very well, if you are ready, we can go. We will make sure all your needs are taken care of while you are within our borders."

Asahi interrupted this time as he gave a gentle bow.

"Pardon my rudeness but I wish to speak to Sir Kami in privacy before doing so."

The rest of them stared at each other for a second before the Prince nodded his head.

Asahi looked at Kami for a split second before walking off to the side.

He followed after him along with the rest of the group. 

They didn't walk far off before Asahi turned around and stared directly at Kami with a serious expression.

"Forgive us Sir Kami but there is another business we must attend to, I believe this will be where we go our own way."

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