Meeting the Competition

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Just a quick note before you continue reading, obviously changes will be made to the original story. My OC Cry will still be taking the place of where Aoyama would have been, but he'll be doing a little better than he did. Also, I may break up the tournament into 2 or 3 parts just to make it easier as I will be trying to do quick summaries of the other fights. Enjoy!

The bracket was revealed to everyone who was still left in the competition. We all got to see who we would be fighting in the first round. I was on the right side of the bracket, fighting first. My opponent was somebody named Mina Ashido. My only guesses as to who she was, was either the pink haired girl that was on Midoriya's team, The girl with the long black hair on Todoroki's team, or the pink, bug looking girl who was on Bakugou's team. Either way, no matter who it was I felt confident that I could win. While the arena for the final round was being set up, there were games being held for the first year students. It gave the students who were knocked out a chance to still have some fun. Students who were still in the tournament could participate in them or choose to save their energy and go to the waiting rooms. I chose to go to the waiting rooms so I could focus with some peace and quiet. 

As I was making my way down to a waiting room I glanced down a side hallway to see Midoriya and Todoroki. They seemed to be having a conversation with each other and I thought they wouldn't mind it if I joined in. As I was walking over to them I saw Todoroki slam his fist next to Midoriya's head. I began to run over to them and stopped just a few feet away. "What do you think you're doing?" I said looking at Todoroki. He responded to me, "This does't concern you, go away." "This concerns me now, you're threatening one of my friends. Back off now or i'll make you regret doing that." I said with a serious tone. He started to walk past me down the hall, "Fine, have it your way." He said softly. I looked back to Midoriya and asked him what happened. "What was all that about? Are you ok?" Midoriya shakingly replied to me, "I-It's nothing, don't worry about it." I knew he was lying, otherwise he would've said it more confidently. I chose to go along with him as we both went down the hallway to our waiting rooms. 

 After about an hour of waiting and resting, the final round was set to begin. Combatants remaining sat in the stands, waiting for their turns to fight. The first two students to fight in the first round were Midoriya and Shinso. I wanted to cheer for Midoriya but I knew he didn't know how Shinso's quirk worked. The moment he would say something to him, it would be over for Midoriya. A few more minutes went by as Present Mic was introducing the two students, but soon enough, the match had begun. It was only a few seconds in and Midoriya had done a 180 and started walking towards the edge of the arena. I could see that he had the same blank expression that some of the other students had when Shinso took over their minds. I watched as Midoriya came closer and closer to walking off of the edge. Just before he was about to take his final step, he suddenly create a huge burst of wind and stopped in his tracks, just barely inside the arena boundaries. He slowly turned around and faced Shinso who looked stunned. I probably had the same look Shinso did to be honest. Midoriya then rushed him and I could see Shinso saying things to him, trying to get him to respond. Midoriya kept going though, "He must've figured out Shinso's quirk, but how?" I thought to myself. Midoriya was able to push Shinso near the edge of the arena before grabbing his arm and tossing out of bounds. Midoriya had won his match, to my disbelief. He was moving on to the second round.

Next up was Todoroki and the boy with the weird elbows who shot ribbons or something. As Present Mic was introducing them I was able to hear that his name was Hanta Sero. The two boys made their way to the arena and the match had begun, Sero making the first move. He shot out his ribbon, things, and wrapped them around Todoroki, immobilizing his arms, a clever strategy if I do say so myself. However, Todoroki soon showed that he didn't need his arms to produce his ice as I could see it quickly being produced from the bottom of his right foot. Within the blink of an eye nearly half of the stadium was covered in a gigantic wall of ice. I had no words, I just looked in awe. I looked back down to the arena to see Todoroki break free from the ribbons and then Sero encased in ice. Midnight deemed him incapacitated and the whole stadium began to yell out "Nice try!" to try and cheer him up.

The next round featured the boy with the yellow hair with the black stripe who was on Todoroki's team. I found out that his name was Denki Kaminari. He was facing off against Shiozaki. I cheered for her naturally as she was my classmate. Their match took no time to start as Kaminari started producing electricity from his body. He then released a large burst of his electricity and fired it at Shiozaki. She quickly reacted however, and shot her vines on her head into the ground. They reappeared a few feet in front of her creating a large wall that blocked the incoming electricity. Kaminari stood there after he attacked with a dopey looking expression on his face. Shiozaki then wrapped her vines around Kaminari's body, completely immobilizing him. He was counted out, and Shiozaki had taken victory.

The fourth round match was between the blue haired boy from class 1-A and the pink haired girl who was on Midoriya's team during the cavalry battle. Present Mic introduced them as they entered the arena, "Please give a warm welcome to class 1-A's Tenya Iida! But don't forget his opponent, from the hero support class, it's Mei Hatsume!" The crowd roared with excitement as the fourth match was underway. Iida blasted off towards Hatsume using his boosters in his calves but Hatsume was able to dodge and trip over Iida using some metal extension that came out of the backpack she was wearing. Iida quickly regained his footing though as he turned around and charged at Hatsume again. This time Hatsume was ready for Iida with some weird looking gun in her hand. She fired at him and he soon became tangled in a net, falling over and struggling to get out of it on the ground. While this was going on, Hatsume had somehow gotten her hands on an ear piece that projected her voice throughout the entire stadium. She was explaining her gadgets to everyone as if she was some sort of saleswoman. 

After about 10-15 minutes of listening to Hatsume talk about her gadgets, she suddenly just walked out of bounds. The shocked expression I had on my face was unreal because she basically had the match won. Iida could be seen flailing has hands at Hatsume for a good minute before celebrating that he won. I thought to myself, "I wouldn't be celebrating if I won that way, I would feel more embarrassed." I chuckled to that thought. I then made my way down to the arena entrance and waited for it to be my turn to fight. 

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