Less Experience

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Decided to work out Cry and Kendo's problems earlier than planned. I originally had them fix it during the PLE but since the last chapter was on the shorter side, I decided to add it in. Now we move on the the PLE, and things will heat up once again. Lastly, i'll be making up a few more OC's for this arc only. They will be students from Shiketsu High. Enjoy!

Before we all knew it, the day of the PLE was here. All of exited our bus and stood before a large dome shaped building, almost like a football or soccer stadium. Mr. Kan spoke to us and explained what will happen after the PLE. "If you can pass this exam, you'll all gain your licenses. You won't be babies anymore, you will have learned to run. You'll be semi-pros. I fully expect all of you to do your best." He said. "We'll do our best sir!" We all said before heading to the main entrance. On our way, someone had begun to speak to me. "So you're the guy who was taken by the so-called league of villains?" The voice said. I turned to see who had said it. I didn't recognize this person, they were dressed in a white shirt, blue pants and a black cap with an "S" on it. It was a boy, probably around the same age as me. Standing behind him was a girl, dressed in the same clothing. The boy began to speak to me again, "You must've been so scared and helpless, but if it were me, I would've fought back. And you won the sports festival? Give me a break, UA sure has some weaklings!" This person said before I marched over to him and met him eye to eye. "First of all, we're not weak. I could beat you down right here if I could, but that would get me disqualified from even entering the exam. Plus, i'm sure you're well aware from the news of what happened that night. So back off, I don't need a reminder." I said as I glared at him. "Like I said, weaklings. We're from Shiketsu High, in the east of Japan. We're compared to UA as being their equals, but today, we'll change that and show who's better. Right Sunomie!?" The boy said to the girl behind him. She nodded her head in agreement but didn't say anything back. She must've been shy. The cocky boy then continued speaking to my face. "I'm Kashi Tombaka, and this is Bretsu Sunomie. We're here for the PLE too, so watch your backs. If we cross paths, we'll crush you." He said as the two of them left and entered the building. Kendo and Honenuki were both behind me, watching the dispute. "What a weirdo. he probably would've been shaking in his boots if he were taken by villains." Honenuki said. "Are you alright Cry?" Kendo asked. "Yeah, i'm fine. I just didn't need to be reminded of that night, when I lost some of my powers." I said as I clenched my fists. "Don't let him get to you. Come on, let's head inside. We've gotta make it to the orientation." Kendo said as I nodded and we all headed into the exam area. 

After changing into our hero costumes, every student from each school went into a gymnasium looking room. There was well over a thousand of us, some stiff looking competition too. I looked around to look for obvious quirks but that was cut short when someone appeared on the stage in front of us. "Welcome everyone to the provisional license exam. I'm sure you're all eager to begin but first, we must go over the rules. All 1500 of you will compete in several exercises and from those who move on to the next exercises, only a select few will receive high enough marks to earn your provisional licenses. The first test will be based around your speed. The first one hundred of you to pass will move on to the next test. Those of you who do not make it in time, well, better luck next time I guess. These are the rules of the first test." The man said as he held up a ball and a target. "Each examine will receive six balls and three targets. The targets can go anywhere on your person as long as it's an exposed area. If one of these balls makes contact with a target, it will light up, indicating that you have been hit. If all three targets on you are lit up, consider yourself knocked out. Even if someone else has lit up the first two targets, but another lit up the third, whoever lit up the third will get the point for themselves. If you can eliminate two people, you will have made it to the next test." He explained as we all received our balls and targets. As they were being handed out, and exit opened up. We all stepped through it and came to an enormous arena. It had different environments all over it, a city zone, cliffs, water, everything for everyone here. "I'm sure each of you have your preferred combat environment, so run wild. Now, disperse yourselves, the first test will begin in five minutes." He said as we all ran in different directions. 

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