The Movie: Part 1

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FINALLY! IT'S FINALLY HERE! THE MOVIE CAN BE VIEWED FOR FREE! AND WITHOUT HAVING TO SUBSCRIBE TO SOME RANDOM WEBSITE! If you can't tell, i'm super excited. I've been waiting for this moment for so long. I've been planning to do this since I started the joint training arc of my story and now that the movie is free to watch, I can finally take hold and tell my version! And keep in mind, this is sadly all filler. And this will also be in several parts, but I guess the title tells you that already. If you want to watch the movie, i'll leave a link below. And lastly, in case if you are unaware, the events of the movie take place right after the end of semester exams and before the forest training arcs. So Cry will have his original set of powers. But now with everything out of the way, Enjoy!

My Hero Academia Movie Two Heroes Sub:

-Time Skip: Backwards several months, after exam arc-

"It's 5 days until we leave for summer training camp. And, I finally feel like I've got everything I need to go." I thought to myself as I was doing stretches in my homes backyard. I was just trying to stay fit for when both my class and class A headed to summer camp. My right arm hurt just a bit from when me and Monoma fought Mt. Lady but most of the pain had gone away. The scars however, as cool as they looked, those weren't going anywhere. "Cry! There's a letter in the mail for you!" My mother said as she came into the backyard. She handed me the letter as my dad also came outside. I opened up the letter and saw it was an invitation. It read: "Congratulations Tenshonoma Cryshiki! As the winner of the U.A sports festival, you have been formally invited to I-Island! Here, you will accompany many other spectators in the opening of I-Expo, the showcasing of all of the island's technological advancements to the world. If you're interested, be advised, as a hero in training, you are required to bring you hero costume. This invitation will serve as your pass into I-Island. A jet has been schedualed to take you to I-Island tomorrow morning. We'll see you soon!" "Wait... what's I-Island?" I asked as my mother flipped out. "What's I-Island!? Only the most advanced place in the whole world! It's an artificial moving island that's inhabited by over 10,000 scientists and their families! It's the place where scientists study the quirk phenomenon and create support items for pro heroes!" My mother explained as my dad tried to calm her down. "But with summer training coming up soon, I don't know if I should go." I said as my dad put his hand on my hair and shook it up. "Do what you want to do. You don't have to go but know that this is a one in a lifetime chance. Not just anyone gets invited to I-Island." My dad explained. "Well when you put it like that I feel like the answer's obvious." I said as I started to laugh. "Well if you're going, then you'd better start packing. And you should make a call to U.A to see if you can take your hero costume." My mother said as I rushed inside our home. I began packing my things, eagerly awaiting for tomorrow to arrive. 

-Time Skip: The Next Morning-

I arrived at our local airport and waiting for me there was a private jet. "Well this wasn't what I was expecting." I thought to myself as I waved to my parents as they drove off. I had my hero costume in hand as well as the briefcase it was stored in. I also had some formal clothing since that was also noted for me to bring on the letter. Other than that, I just had a gaming system to pass the time on the plane, a bottle of water, some casual clothes, my cell phone and some headphones. I didn't know how long this flight would be so I wanted to ensure I had some sort of entertainment. We took off shortly after I boarded.

-Time Skip: 6 Hours-

The flight was long but our destination finally came into view. It was a gigantic island, circular in shape with so many buildings all over it. It was like something out of a futuristic dream. 

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