Hero Course Free for All!

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This chapter is FILLER! This filler will most likely be spread out into 2-3, maybe even 4 parts, just so you now. The idea for this came to me when I watched a youtuber I like do a hunger games simulator. I tried it out for myself using the students from class A and B, including Cry, of course. Sadly, Cry didn't do too well. Damn Kodai stabbing him in the back. And Uraraka turns out to be a monster as she racked up 5 kills. However, after doing this, the thought dawned on me, "Why don't you do this for your next chapter since it won't be until next Friday when you release the next canon chapter." So here we are, the hunger games version of MHA. Just need to think of a way to integrate actual killing without actually killing the students. I'll think of something. Oh, and if you haven't checked out the previous chapter, please do. It's an update on things i'm either already doing or things i'm going to do. Enjoy!

-Current Date: December-

The weekend had rolled by but everyone in our class was notified that there would be a special event for the hero course that went through the weekend. Everyone was just eagerly waiting to hear what Mr. Kan would make us do today. When he finally entered the classroom, he took his regular spot in the centre. "As you all know already, we have a special training session planned for all of you this weekend. And when I say "all of you," I mean all of you in the hero course. We'll be sharing this time with class-A." Mr. Kan explained as Monoma raised his hand. "Sir, can you explain what exactly we'll be doing?" He asked. "Everything will be explained shortly. For now, everyone change into your winter training uniforms and meet me down at battlegrounds epsilon. I shouldn't need to remind you all how much time you have." Mr. Kan said as he exited the classroom. Everyone then got up and left to head to the change rooms. 

When we went outside, the chill from the winter air sent a shiver down my spine. "This is not going to be a fun weekend, that's for sure." I thought to myself as someone started poking my shoulder. I turned and saw Tsunotori walking behind me. "What do you think teacher Vlad will make us do?" She asked me as I scratched the top of my head. "I'm not too sure. I don't wanna say it but he'll probably try and break us as usual. And seeing as this session is going through the weekend, we can be sure it'll have long term effects on us." I said as she agreed with me. 

We made it to the entrance of battlegrounds epsilon and waited for everyone else to arrive. The rest of our class showed up and a few minutes later, so did class-A. Our class moved into our semi-circle formation while class-A just stayed huddled up while we waited to hear what our homeroom teachers would say. Aizawa stepped forward first and said "Welcome to battlegrounds epsilon, the largest city zone U.A has. Here, you will all be participating in this weekends training exercise. Anyone have a guess as to what you all will be doing?" "Testing our abilities?" Kendo asked as Aizawa nodded his head. "Yes, obviously. However, we're looking at a much bigger picture. We're looking at your endurance and stamina to outlast the competition. Heroes often are placed in a situation when they are all alone and must face multiple opponents at once. So for this weekend, you all will be fighting in a free-for-all inside battleground epsilon. The last person standing wins." Aizawa explained as some people got really excited. "What are the rules for this exercise?" Midoriya asked. Mr. Kan then stepped up and said "The rules are simple actually. As Aizawa already said, last person standing is the winner. However, there's more. You may use your quirks to your full extent inside epsilon. Alliances are allowed but in this type of situation, do not be surprised if you get betrayed. If you are knocked out from a fight or from a hazard inside epsilon, you will be removed and you can no longer participate." I then raised my hand and asked, "What type of hazards will be inside?" "Glad someone asked that. Every 2 hours, a new hazard will be introduced or removed from epsilon. These hazards range from pro heroes to training robots. However, when there is only ten people left, no more hazards will enter epsilon. Furthermore, every 3 hours, epsilon will begin to shrink in size. It's a necessary precaution so this whole thing doesn't drag on forever." Mr. Kan explained as we all nodded our heads. "Glad to see you all understand. Every hour, we'll notify everyone about who has been eliminated. But right now, you all have 20 minutes to spread out inside battlegrounds epsilon. We wish you all luck." Aizawa said as they stepped to the side and opened the gates to epsilon. They were right, it was much larger than any of the other battlegrounds. It looked like the size of an actual city this time. Our teachers gave us the green light and we all ran inside the zone. And after the last person went through, the gate behind us closed and a 20 minute timer appeared on a screen above us. It began to count down and everyone picked up the pace again, heading deeper and deeper into the zone. 

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