Where the League Stands

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After an incredibly long hiatus, WE ARE BACK! And i'm kicking things off with a pretty big bang, as well! Just as a warning, i'm dropping the filler arc I was working on which was U.A vs. Shiketsu but, to replace it, i'm bringing back what is debatably my most popular filler arc of this series. Some might even say it's better than the canon material and choose to see this rather as the canon content. That's right! The "What if...?" arc is back! Evil Cry is returning! And in case you're unaware, this arc takes the question "What if Cry(my OC) turned evil?" And just from a tiny change in events, it drastically altered the story. And now we're continuing with it! Enjoy!

-Late November-

"You're sick, Cry! And i'm going to save you! Because you are my friend! You would do better to join the Cleansers, rather than stay with the League. Next time.... you'll be perfect...."

These are all the last memories I can remember from that day. Shigaraki had "loaned" me to Overhaul and his Cleansers as an agreement for our partnership. A few days later, heroes invaded our hideout and stopped our operations. 

Toga and Twice who were also part of the operation were able to make it out safely thanks to their quirks. I wasn't as lucky. After Overhaul received too much damage and was knocked out, I was left alone to fight a near unstoppable force. 

"Izuku Midoriya...." I thought as I clenched my fists tightly every time I heard that name. 

He was the one who caused me to fail. He beat me. He was the reason I was captured. I just want to kill him!

Because of my failure to kill Midoriya, Shigaraki had to punish me yet again. He wiped only a small part of my memory. He told me it was just a 20 minute gap but he left in the part where I lost to Midoriya. He says for me to use it as fuel. 

However, my punishment did not end there. To make the message clear that he didn't want me failing anymore, Shigaraki did something more permanent. He used his quirk and decayed my left eye until it was completely gone. The pain was absolutely unbearable. 

And so for the next month after the incident, I trained. I trained everything, all my quirks abilities, my senses, my reaction time, everything. I wanted to become unbeatable. So that the next time I encounter Midoriya, I will slaughter him.

And now we reach the present day. Myself and the League were currently hiding out in our new base location. Shigaraki decided we'd relocate after my incident in case any heroes tried to find me. Apparently, I made some huge waves during and after my fight with Midoriya. 

We now took shelter at an abandoned digging site. It was well protected with very little spots for anyone to sneak up on us. And there was a small building there so we had at least some place to call home for the time being. 

Every member of the league was currently just waiting, sitting around and wondering what exactly we were going to do next. Dabi was the only one whose really gone out to do anything. He says he goes out to try and recruit new members to our cause but he finds them too weak and murders them with his flame quirk. I really wish I could join his just to blow off steam but Shigaraki forbids me from leaving now without his absolute permission. 

"How long are we gonna have to live like this?" Spinner asked as he was obviously fed up with our situation. 

"You're joking, right? Until it's all over." Shigaraki said to him. 

"If we had worked with the Cleansers, we'd be eating sushi right now. And... it's just.... to think that the group that put the whole country in disarray is now in this state... I can't bear to face all those who look up to us." Compress said but I didn't care for his opinion. If we had to bide our time then that's what we'll do. 

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