Round One, Fight!

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Quick update: I've decided to basically do every round of the tournament as it's own separate part. so the rest of the round of 16 fights will be in this chapter, then the next will be the quarter finals, you get the picture. Enjoy!

I was waiting at the entrance to the arena, just waiting for my name to be called. I wanted to put on a good show but I also wanted to win. As I was waiting I thought of things that could happen during the fight. I didn't want to hurt Ashido so I decided I would only use my plasma on the ground and use only 2,000 psi against her if I needed it. I tried to remain calm, I needed to focus on a plan. I had some time so I started thinking of one.

"Alright everybody, are you all ready to continue to the 5th round fight!? I sure am so let's meet our combatants!" Present Mic yelled out as the crowd began to cheer. He called out my opponent first, "First up we have the spunky, but always enthusiastic Mina Ashido!" He said as I could see that it was the pink, buggy looking girl who entered the arena. Present Mic then continued to introduce me, "And now her opponent, from class 1-B, he's a quick thinker who's been able to outsmart his opponents at every turn, it's Tenshonoma Cryshiki!" I began walking into the arena, I could hear people cheering my name, it felt great to be seen this way, and not as an outsider. I was finally able to show that I belonged here. I made my way onto the arena and locked eyes with Ashido. She started talking to me, "So you're the guy from class 1-B i've heard so much about, can't wait to take you down!" She said cracking her fists. I replied back to her, "Sorry, but the only one going down here is you. Your tournament run ends here." I said with a little chuckle. 

A buzzer sounded and our match had begun. I sprouted my dragon wings and took to the sky. Mina attempting to hit my wings with some sort of grey bubbles. She missed me and they hit the ground, and I saw that they were melting parts of the arena. "Those things are made of acid! I'd better keep my distance for now." I said to myself as I flew overhead. She yelled to me "Get down here so I can hit you!" and I somewhat went with what she was saying. I began to dive towards the center of the arena, Ashido attempting to hit me with her acid bubbles but continuing to miss. I then shot several plasma shots at the arena floor as I was diving, creating several small explosions. The resulting explosions turned into a large smokescreen as Ashido had lost sight of me. "Where did you go, show yourself, come and fight!" I responded to her demands, "With pleasure!" I said with her not realizing I was now flying towards her. I closed in on her and when she came into my view I grabbed her left arm before she could react. "How did you get there!?" She cried out. I used the momentum from diving towards the stadium to throw Ashido towards the edge of the arena. When the smoke had cleared Ashido had landed outside of the arena. Midnight talking into a microphone announced, "Ashido is out of bounds, Cryshiki is the winner!" I felt amazing and raised my hands into the air in victory. I then walked over to Ashido to help her stand back up. "Hey, that was a pretty good fight, I had to keep my distance because of your quirk. It really altered my plan." I said to her while smiling. "Thanks, you were pretty good yourself, but next time i'll win!" She said as she smiled back. I began to walk off of the arena, heading back to the waiting room, wondering who my next opponent would be.

The sixth round fight was between the boy who was on Midoriya's team during the cavalry battle, the one with the bird head. His opponent was the long haired girl who was on Todoroki's team. Present Mic introduced them one after the other as Fumikage Tokoyami and Momo Yaoyorozu. I knew that Tokoyami could create some sort of creature from his chest but I wasn't able to figure out Yaoyorozu's during the cavalry battle. All I saw her do was create a big blanket. In no time the match started and Tokoyami made the first move spawning his creature out of his chest. It quickly made its way over to Yaoyorozu who created a shield from her skin. Tokoyami's creature slammed into the shield causing Yaoyorozu to slide backwards. Tokoyami would continue to do this several times before suddenly stopping. Yaoyoroza used this chance to go on the offensive as she created a long metal rod. However, before she could move, Midnight made an announcement. "Yaoyorozu is out of bounds! Tokoyami is the winner!" The crowd began to cheer as Yaoyorozu looked down at her feet. She was shocked to see that one of her feet were indeed out of bounds. Yaoyorozu then put her head down in defeat and walked out of the arena.

The seventh match was one I was really excited for. Tetsutetsu was fighting and I had a good feeling he wasn't going to lose very easily. I still had a couple bruises from when I fought him in combat training. He was introduced to the stadium first with his opponent following shortly after. His name was Eijiro Kirishima, a boy with spiky red hair who I had seen before during the cavalry battle. He was the lead horse on Bakugou's team. It was kind of weird though, while they were both being introduced, Present Mic basically used the same intro for both of them. "I guess they have similar quirks, should be a pretty even fight." I thought to myself. With little time to think about it, the match started. Tetsutetsu turned his body into iron while Kirishima turned his into what looked like rock. Both landed serious punches to each others guts and faces. Neither of them backing down, every blow being felt by everyone in the stadium. Eventually, they both went for one last punch. They threw their fists at each others faces and somehow, they knocked each other out at the same time! "Well there's something you don't see everyday." I said to myself with a little chuckle. Midnight came over to inspect the two boys who were laying on the ground. "Both combatants are unable to battle, it is a draw! When they wake up they'll have a small contest to determine the winner, perhaps arm wrestling!" She announced to the crowd as they responded with loud cheers. 

The final round was one that I was worried about. The last two students to fight were Uraraka and Bakugou, and I had a feeling Bakugou wouldn't go easy on Uraraka. Present Mic introduced them both and they took their positions in the arena. The buzzer sounded and Uraraka began to charge Bakugou. She was able to get close to him, reaching out with her hand to touch him. Bakugou responded with a small explosion to her face. When the smoke had cleared only Uraraka's training jacket could be seen. She had taken it off and used it as a distraction to try and get behind Bakugou. She appeared behind him and reached out to tough him again. Bakugou was able to figure out her plan though as he turned and fired off another explosion, sending Uraraka flying backwards. She was able to stay in the arena and slowly got back onto her feet. She continued to charge at Bakugou, one attempt after another to try and touch him and make him float. Bakugou was always ready to counter her though firing off explosions left and right whenever Uraraka would get close to him. He questioned her, "Why do you keep throwing yourself at me? You can't win this way!" She panted a few times before replying to his question, "I'm not doing it for no reason!" She said as she touched her fingertips together. It seemed her plan was to use Bakugou's explosions to create debris that she could then float with her quirk. The floating debris began to fall towards Bakugou who had his full attention on the falling debris. Uraraka used this chance to ry and touch Bakugou while he was distracted. Bakugou lifted one of his arms straight up into the air and created a huge explosion that destroyed the debris. The explosion caused Uraraka to fall backwards before she could touch Bakugou. With her body covered in scratches and bruises, Uraraka staggered as she attempted to stand up. However, before she was able to she suddenly fell to the ground. Midnight stopped the fight to inspect Uraraka. "Uraraka is unable to continue, the winner is Bakugou!" Uraraka was taken out of the arena on a stretcher, tears coming from her eyes. All I could say to myself while I was watching was, "Damn that Bakugou, he's gonna pay for hurting one of my friends!"

Tetsutetsu and Kirishima had returned to the arena to determine which one of them will move on to the next round. They placed their right arms down on a table that was placed in the center of the arena. They locked their fists together and began to arm wrestle. Minutes passed by as both of the were giving their all to win. However, Tetsutetsu's iron began to crack on his arm, weakening it and allowing Kirishima to win the match.  "Damn, I was really hoping Tetsutetsu would win. I would've loved to fight him again." I thought to myself as the quarter final bracket was revealed. Eight competitors were left and my next opponent: Fumikage Tokoyami.

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