Put to the Test

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This will be an important chapter, not only for Cry but also another character. This part of the manga finally got me to like another of my least favourite characters. It showed them as human for once. Anyways, enough of that, enjoy!

That same night, we were all relaxing after a long day of partying with the Wild Wild Pussycats. Everyone had decided to just watch tv for the rest of the night. We were all sitting around it, on the floor and on our couches when an emergency broadcast took over the tv. "This is an emergency! We have just received word that our new number 1 hero, Endeavor and the number 2 hero, Hawks are currently in combat with another one of those Noumu creatures. The creature seems to be too much for our heroes, if any other heroes are listening to this, please, we need your assistance!" The voice on the broadcast said. When our screen changed back, everyone let out a gasp and we changed the channel to the news. It was showing a live feed of Endeavors battle with the Noumu. 

Endeavor was currently in combat with some new type of Noumu, and it was overpowering him. It was able to extend its arms and grab onto Endeavor, then pushing him straight through a building. The top half of that building then began to collapse, threatening to crush the people on the streets below. We could see Hawks take to the skies and use his quirk "Mighty Wings" to control his feathers to grab onto any falling civilians. As the building fell, Endeavor stood back up and let out an enormous burst of flame. "I'll incinerate you and this building, you mindless creature!" We heard him yell as the flame went right through the building and struck the noumu. Something was different this time, the Noumu didn't seem to be taking any damage, despite the flames being hot enough to disintegrate the falling building. And then something utterly shocking happened, the Noumu began to speak. "I-Intersting!" It said as it began to laugh. When Endeavor stopped shooting flames, the creature then began to mold its shape. Or, at least we thought so, but something worse happened, the creature was spawning more Noumu from its body. The Noumu were different from this new one though, they had a typical grey colour to their body. This new Noumu was black in colour, some sort of advanced species. "Hawks! Go take care of those other Noumu! I'll take care of this one!" Endeavor said as Hawks flew away. 

The Noumu began to laugh again, yelling out "Power...let me test my...new power on you!" The Noumu then used several different quirks at once. Its arms grew in length, metal teeth formed in its mouth and it was regenerating the damage it took from Endeavor before. "If you have the ability to regenerate, then i'll just burn you down until there's nothing left to heal!" Endeavor yelled as the flames on his body began to glow brighter and brighter. His heat level was rising, indicating the increase in his power. His flames were so hot, news reporters who were over 100 metres away could feel the heat coming off of his body. Then Endeavor let out his ultimate move: "Prominence Burn!" He yelled out as he unleashed a huge stream of blue fire. Before it struck the Noumu, the creature detached its head and threw it out of the way. The attack hit the body of the Noumu and in seconds, there was nothing left. Only the head of the Noumu remained, laughing at Endeavor. From its head, tentacles began to regrow and stretch out. The shot toward Endeavor, landing two shots on his chest and left eye. No one in my class could utter any words, we were all hoping and praying Endeavor could fight through it and defeat this threat. 

Endeavor laid on his back, on top of a pile of rubble. He was bleeding from his eye, it looked disturbingly similar to Todoroki's scar on his left eye. Endeavor laid there,, almost lifeless as the Noumu stood over him, regenerating its entire body. "Boring! A-Aren't there any s-stronger heroes!?" The Noumu yelled as it continued to laugh. It began to walk away, looking for other strong heroes to kill. Before it could exit the scene, Endeavor used his flames to lift himself up. He shot his whole body at the Noumu as it went to face the pissed off Endeavor. Endeavor readied his left fist, encasing it with more blue flames. He then went to strike the Noumu in the face but it was quick and dodged underneath his fist. It then shot out more tentacles and impaled Endeavor in the gut. It then threw the number 1 hero into a nearby building, causing the entire building to crumble. News reporters had no words to say, they were in too much fear to do anything. "We...we need to make sure all citizens...are able to escape." One reporter said shakingly. Citizens had begun to run, screaming in all directions since they knew their number 1 hero had been beaten. Other heroes had arrived on the scene, but they knew it was no use fighting the Noumu. If it was too much for Endeavor, then the best they could do was help with evacuating the citizens. "Our strongest hero has been defeated! Everyone in the city must evacuate before this creature continues its rampage!" Another reporter said before being interrupted by a random citizen. "Quit going on like that! Where the hell are you looking!? Don't just speak nonsense, now is not the time for these antics! Look! Can't you see!? His flames are still burning, aren't they!? Endeavors still alive! And he's fighting for us! Don't go broadcasting despair all over the world! Not when our symbol hasn't given up yet!" The person said as a camera zoomed back to the war zone. He was correct, a mountain of flames had formed and they were getting even hotter than before. 

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