The Best of the Best

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Here it is, the final chapter of the third season of My Hero Academia. If you've made it this far, I'd just like to say, thank you so much. It means more than anything to know that someone enjoys my story. I hope you enjoyed the perspective of my own OC and class 1-B too. And lastly, after this chapter is completed, i'll be moving on to what I decided on. I'll be continuing on to the next arcs of My Hero Academia, so this is your only warning if you don't want to be spoiled. Again, i'll try my best to interpret the story form Cry's POV, it'll just be a bit harder without an anime to go off of. Thank you very much if you've made it to this point, and as always, enjoy!

We all made our way into gym gamma, it was looking much better now, especially since me and Kendo nearly broke it apart when we sparred a few weeks ago. We all stood in group on one side while the blonde haired boy stood on the other end. The other two members of the big 3 were also here but they were just observing. Or, at least one of them was, Amajiki was facing a wall, his shyness was just too much for him to face us. Hado was walking in circles around us though, looking as curious as ever. The blonde haired boy began to speak to all of us, "Oh, that's right, I forgot to tell you all my name! I'm Mirio Togata. It's a pleasure to meet you all!" He said while bowing his upper body. "Are you sure you want all of us to fight you at once? We may not have had villain experience like class A but we're no slouches either. We even proved we're all a step ahead when we all got our provisional licenses." Monoma asked Mirio. Mirio only smiled and replied to him. "You're gonna have to show me how good you all are. I'll even let you have the first move buddy!" He said to Monoma. Mr. Kan talked from the sidelines, "View this as a learning experience, it's an excellent opportunity for you all." 

We all took that as the start of our fight. Monoma indeed took the first move and simply walked over to Mirio. "Are you sure you want me to make the first move? Don't you know what my quirk is?" Monoma asked him. "Yep, I sure do know what it is, but i'll be fine!" Mirio said in return. Monoma then reached to touch Mirio but his hand went right through him. "What's going on!? Why can't I touch you!?" Monoma asked him. Mirio then readied his fist to strike Monoma, and before he made contact he said to Monoma, "Never let your guard down, always be prepared for anything!" and he slammed his fist into Monoma's chest, knocking him out with a single punch. Mirio then looked to the rest of us, glaring and smiling as he called out "So which one of you is next?" 

Everyone who had a close combat style quirk then rushed Mirio, myself included as we all attempted to beat him. Mirio ran at us too but when he was about 20 feet from us, he suddenly fell through the floor. All that was left was his training uniform. We knew there wasn't a basement, so how could he have slipped underground? Before any of us could question what just happened, Mirio appeared behind all of us, only he was completely naked. He emerged behind Tsunotori and Shiozaki, again hitting them in the chest and knocking the two of them out. Mirio them slipped into the ground again. "How's he doing this!? Is it some kind of warp quirk!?" Tetsutetsu asked as Mirio appeared next to Yanagi and Tsuburaba. Every student he would appear by would try to hit him but they would have their attacks simply go right through him. Mirio continued this until he had knocked out all of the ranged attackers in our class. 12 of us remained, but I had a feeling that wouldn't last long. I was trying to figure out his quirk, and then, a thought came into my head about what it could actually be. "I think i've figured it out everyone! He's got some sort of advanced intangibility quirk. That's how our attacks are going right through him and how he's going in and out of the ground!" I said as everyone nodded in agreement. Mirio only smiled as he replied "You're awfully close, but you're still not right!" He said as he charged Tetsutetsu. Him and Shishida prepared to meet his attack but when they went to hit Mirio, their fists only went through him. Mirio then took the back of their heads and shoved them hard into the ground. This knocked them both out, surprising me because Tetsutetsu was made of iron. It would take a lot to knock him out. As I was thinking this though, Mirio was challenging a group of six. He did the same to them as he did with Tetsutetsu and Shishida. They were all out cold and now, only four of us were left. All that were left was myself, Kendo, Kaibara, and Kodai, we needed a plan and fast. 

Class 1-B's AceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant