Hero Work Studies

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From here on out, you're in spoiler territory! Go back now if you don't wanna find anything out you didn't want to know. I'll be continuing for as far as I can go, meaning i'll keep pumping out chapters until i've caught up with the english dub of the manga. If you're alright with spoiling yourself, then enjoy!

A week had passed since we all fought Mirio and learned about the hero work studies. The teacher council at the school took a vote on whether or not first years should actually participate in them. We all sat in our classroom, waiting for Mr. Kan to tell us the results. "I have the results from the discussions regarding hero work studies for freshman. Starting with the principal, the majority of the teachers said "give it up."" Mr. Kan explained. A heavy sadness grew over the whole class. Mr. Kan then continued and said "However, there are also those with the opinion that under our current safeguard policy we won't raise you to be strong heroes. So this is the policy that we have decided on: "We will only allow first years to work at offices or agencies that have good track records when taking in interns." That is the conclusion we have reached." Mr. Kan explained as everyone suddenly became a little happier. Mr. Kan then showed a list of agencies that they've allowed us to work with. "Here are all of the suitable offices that you can do your work studies for. Choose wisely, even though they may allow interns, that doesn't mean they'll want you." He said with a serious tone. We all responded "Yes sir." and we all headed out of class. 

When school was over, I was thinking about which agency I wanted to do my work study with. One that relates to my identity as a hero, something i'm familiar with. When I saw the list, only one agency stood out to me, so when I got home, I needed to speak with my mother. When I did arrive home, my dad was cooking dinner, I think it was salmon. Mom was downstairs working on her costume. I went downstairs to talk to her about my hero work studies. "Huh? A hero work study? For a first year like you, we don't see that too often." She said to me. I then asked her what was on my mind, "You see, we're only allowed to work under agencies with good track records for taking in interns, and when my teacher showed the list of agencies, yours stood out. It's one i'm familiar with and one I know I can do good with. So, i'm asking, can I please do my hero work study at your agency Wrath Queen!?" I asked with fire in my eyes. My mother then looked to me, smiling and said "That's not my decision to make because it's not really my agency. The truth is i'm the number 2 at the Hosu City Hero Agency. Our boss is Edgeshot, and he typically doesn't take in interns. I'll have a chat with him though and see if he'll accept you." My mother explained. I went in for a hug and said "Thank you mom, you're the best!" 

-Time Skip-

3 days passed by and still no word from Edgeshot. And then, while me and my parents were at the dinner table, we got a phone call. My mother answered it, her face turning surprised. She then handed the phone over to me. "Is this the first year student from UA looking to do a hero work study at my agency?" A voice said to me through the phone. I answered, trying to sound as confident as I could. "Yes, this is. My name is Tenshonoma Cryshiki, is this the No. 4 hero Edgeshot?" I asked in return. The voice then responded, "This is indeed Edgeshot. I'm willing to accept you into my agency. I've seen you in action during the sports festival, and I also know of your actions when you were taken by villains. You show great courage and determination, something that reminds me of myself. So i'll allow you to work for me, but know this. The internship that you had with us months ago will be child's play compared to what i'll be putting you through. If you're up for that challenge, then I eagerly await your arrival." He said as I smiled. "I'll take on anything that you throw at me sir. If I want to be the best hero, then i'll have to beat the worst of the worst!" I said in response to him. "Well then i'll see you soon." Edgeshot said before hanging up the phone. 

My mother jumped in and asked me what happened. "What happened sweetie? Did he let you in!?" I told her everything, "It looks like i'll be doing my work study at the Hosu City Hero Agency! Can't wait to start!" I cried out as both of my parents went to hug me. "We're so proud of you son. We know you'll do great there. And you get to do real hero work this time!" My dad said. 

-Time Skip-

2 days passed by in a flash and it was time for me to start my work study. I had my costume on hand, fixed up from when I fought Endeavor. The support course did some slight modifications too it, specifically they added special gauntlets to the arms. These would amplify my single point force and it would spread out the energy to my entire arm, and still generate the full force if it were still in the one spot. I stood at the entrance to the hero agency, something that has grown very familiar to me now ever since my internship. My mother was with me too as we both came to start work for the day. We entered and my mother showed me the way to Edgeshot's office. His whole office occupied the top floor, and it looked beautiful. Cherry blossom trees all around the room and koi ponds in the floor. It really matched his personality. I began to make my way to his desk but as I was walking toward it, I noticed he wasn't sitting there. I then heard his voice speaking to me. "Welcome, End Game. It's a pleasure to meet you in less hostile conditions. But, if you want to prove yourself to me, you'll have to do a series of tests. The first of which is to find me. I am somewhere hidden in this room. Naturally it would be nearly impossible due to my quirk allowing to me enter any space no matter how small. But if you want to be a great hero, you'll have to be able to find villains hiding in the deepest, and darkest locations. So, come find me." Edgeshot explained. 

I laid down my costume briefcase and my backpack and began to search the room. I checked the obvious spots first like under his desk and in the koi pond. Of course he wasn't there so I now had to improvise. "If I were a master of stealth, where would I be hiding? Probably in plain sight or where I would least expect it." I thought to myself as I activated my super hearing. I figured I could use it to hear Edgeshot from where he was hiding. No sound was being made though so I deactivated it and continued my search. I checked some pots that were around the room next, seeing if he hid himself inside of them. No luck though. But, after I checked them, a theory dawned in my head. "This is a lesson. He's trying to explain to me how villains hide themselves in plain sight. Looking like anything out of the ordinary. He's probably hidden himself in the most obvious spot in this room!" I thought to myself as I looked to my backpack. I picked it up and opened it up. To my surprise, Edgeshot was inside. "Well done young hero. It seems you understood what this test was about. Excellent start." He said to me as he exited my backpack. "Thank you sir. It really did show me that villains can look just like ordinary citizens. Literally hiding right in front of us without us even realizing." I said to him as he began to rub my hair. 

"With that lesson out of the way, we will now move on to finding those villains. We will begin later in the evening, when criminals become more active." He explained as I nodded my head. Before we could begin talking, Edgeshot's secretary entered his office. "Excuse me sir, but the other intern is here to start." She explained as Edgeshot nodded and went to hide somewhere in his office. He then said "Let them enter" And she showed them in. I was shocked to see that it was Tetsutetsu. "Hey man, what're you doing here!?" He said to me. "I'm doing my hero work study here with Edgeshot. I'm assuming you're doing the same?" I asked him as he nodded in response. Edgeshot then began to say the exact same things he said to me to Tetsutetsu. He wanted him to find him in the room. Tetsutetsu also laid down his briefcase and backpack and went to search for him. I could see Edgeshot enter his backpack while Tetsutetsu wasn't looking. He was clearly trying to show him the same message that he showed me. I exited the room because I was sure Edgeshot didn't want me to ruin anything he had planned for Tetsutetsu. 

I then went to my mothers office, she asked me how things went with Edgeshot. "So far so good. I passed his first test." I said to her as she quickly replied. "Well that's great. Normally, most people who intern with him fail his first test and he sends them home. And for a first year like you to figure it out, i'm sure he's gonna take a liking to you!" My mother said as I smiled. My hero work study had begun, under the tutelage of the now No. 4 hero Edgeshot. Things will be tough, but i'll just have to be even tougher. And with Tetsutetsu here now, i'm sure things will only get better. 

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