An Unbeatable Quirk!?

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Decided to split the quarter finals up too as there was a lot to talk about with Deku vs Todoroki. Also decided to add in the last part to build a small relationship between Cry and Todoroki and to show how far Cry would go to protect his friends. Anyways, Enjoy!

I stood at the entrance to the arena, waiting to be called in. I only had the one plan to go off of since Tokoyami's quirk didn't have a lot of things to counter it. I waited patiently, thinking about Todoroki and his father, Endeavor. "How could he just treat him like some sort of trained animal!" I thought to myself as I heard Present Mic starting to hype up the crowd once again. he yelled out to the crowd, "Are you guys ready for the next match!? I know I sure am, so let's introduce our combatants!" I could hear him say it all as I started to walk through the entrance. Present Mic continued his speech, "He's proven he's no slouch on the battlefield, winning with strategy after strategy, from class 1-B, it's Tenshonoma Cryshiki!" I raised my hands into the air, laughing and cheering back to the roaring crowd as I made my way onto the stadium. Present Mic then called out my opponent, "The silent samurai, with what most believe is an unbeatable quirk, from class 1-A, it's Fumikage Tokoyami!" I could see him walking towards the arena, not turning to look out to the crowd. He was only looking at me, the only obstacle in his path. He made his way onto the arena and he spoke to me, "Let's make this match one to remember Cryshiki!" I began to smile and replied back to him. "No problem bud, and please, just call me Cry." 

"No more waiting around! Let's get this thing started!" Present Mic yelled as the starting buzzer could be heard. Tokoyami spawned his creature and launched it towards me. At the same time, I generated 10,000 psi into my arms and met Tokoyami's creature with a large impact. Me and the creature locked our fists together and somehow, the creature was pushing me back despite the power that was surging through my arms. I decided to add plasma onto my arms and hands and it soon began to burn the creature. It let out a loud roar and retreated to Tokoyami's side. I yelled to him, "What's the matter!? Can't take the heat!? Just you wait, i've got some other tricks to show you!" He smiled to me, "I can't wait, Bring it on! Dark Shadow, attack!" He commanded his creature and it responded to him, "Roger!" and it started charging me again. I needed to make some distance between me and the creature so I grew my wings and took off of the ground. The creature was able to follow me into the air so I now had to improvise my strategy. I readied my hands to fire plasma shots at the creature but it soon retreated back to Tokoyami's side. I guess he preferred to fight closer to the ground. I dove down towards the arena floor and fired some of my plasma shots near Tokoyami. He used his creature to protect himself from the explosions btu this seemed to hurt the creature even though I didn't hit it. "I was right, it's weakness is light!" I thought to myself as I continued my dive towards the ground. Tokoyami moved and stood directly under me with his creature in front of him. He ordered it to attack me as I was diving and it soon flew to intercept me. I met it's attack with 20,000 psi generating in my fists, however, it still wasn't enough. Both my fists and the creatures fists collided and the resulting shockwave sent me flying. I hurdled toward the ground and crashed on the hard arena floor. It took me a few seconds to get up but eventually I came to. I looked over to Tokoyami to hear him say, "You're strong but not strong enough for my Dark Shadow!" "I'll never give up. If I give up then I will have failed my class, my family and most importantly... I will have failed my friends! I'll win this whole thing! Just you watch!" I yelled back to him. I knew I was nearing my limit, the adrenaline would wear off soon and i'd be feeling the pain from that crash earlier. There was only one way I could win and that was to catch Tokoyami off guard. So I used my reflection ability to create a clone of myself while also turning my actual body invisible. Tokoyami was still looking in my direction, but at the clone now, "This fight is over! Dark Shadow finish this fight!" He ordered as his shadow rushed my clone but couldn't make contact with it, it's hands going right through it. Tokoyami became confused, "What!? What's going on!? Why can't I touch him!?" I then appeared beside him and my light clone disappeared. "What's going on is you lose!" I said to him as I began to swing my right leg at him. He began to call back his shadow, trying to intercept my kick. I generated my entire leg with 2,500 psi and landed it into his gut. The resulting impact sent him flying away from me. His shadow disappearing, I knew I had knocked him out. He landed outside of the arena, almost hitting the stadium walls. Midnight yelled into the microphone and made her call. "Tokoyami is out of bounds! Cryshiki is the victor!" The entire crowd began to cheer and yell out my name. I felt like I was on top of the world. I saw that Tokoyami was able to get up and exit the arena, but before he left, he gave me a friendly thumbs up. I replied back by giving him my own thumbs up before I exited the stadium as well. 

As I was leaving, the pain from the crash had started to come in and I fell to my knees and grunted a little bit. The pain in my back kept burning, I felt like I couldn't move. I needed to get to the infirmary as soon as possible and get myself healed. I used a nearby hand railing to help myself stand up. I shuffled my way down the long hallways and finally arrived at the infirmary. There I met Recovery Girl who was tending to Midoriya's wounds from his previous match. She turned to see who had entered and spoke to me. "Is there anything I can help you with my dear?" I replied to her question. "Yes ma'am, could you please heal the pain that's in my back, it's making it hard for me to move. I would very much appreciate it." She looked to me and smiled, "Sure thing my dear, just let me take some X-rays of you first." "No problem" I said to her. She took some X-rays of my back to see where the pain was coming from. She showed them to me and I was shocked. "You're lucky my dear. You landed so hard on your back that you cracked your spine. Anymore pressure from the impact could've broken it completely. I advise you to take it a bit easier in your next match." She said to me with a serious look. I responded to her, "Yes ma'am, i'll try my best." "Good, now let's get you healed up!" She said to me beginning to smile again. 

I left the infirmary, my back feeling great, my spine fixed. I was now headed back to my waiting room to see if the last match was still going. I entered and turned on my tv to see Bakugou and Kirishima duking it out still. "Good, I haven't missed much!" I thought to myself as I continued to watch their match. It seemed Kirishima closed the distance with Bakugou and was attempting to land some punches on him. Bakugou stepping back after every punch, just barely dodging them. Bakugou seemed to be struggling s he wasn't firing off any explosions. "I guess he doesn't want to use them so close, or else he may be affected by them too." I thought to myself. The fight continued this way for a few more minutes before Kirishima began to tire himslef out. His punches becoming slower allowed bakugou to make some distance between them and fire off some explosions right into Kirishima's face. After one larger explosion to Kirishima's chest, he fell over, Midnight stopping the fight to inspect Kirishima. "Kirishima is unable to continue! The winner is Bakugou!" I clenched my fists as I knew I would be facing him next. "It's time I pay you back for insulting and hurting my friends!" 

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