First Mission

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Figured it was better for Cry to be forced into the league of villains rather than having him just agree to join. I'm so excited for how this arc is going to turn out. I have so many ideas for it. Like the actual canon chapters, this filler/canon arc will go by the events of arcs to come, just based on the villain side of the story. We'll be seeing a whole new side to Cry from here on out. I hope you enjoy how everything turns out if you're reading this. Enjoy!

"What do I have to do? Or are you just pulling my chain and joking around. Cause if this is a prank or something, i'll beat you to a bloody pulp." I said while glaring at Shigaraki. "Now, now, I wouldn't fool our young star like that. I speak the truth. You're going out to deal with a problem of ours. Here, take a look." He said as he handed me a picture. "Who's this supposed to be?" I asked him as I saw a man who was wearing a black mask, brown trench coat, and weird looking glasses. "The man in that picture is a hero. His name is "Broad Point." He's been on our case for the past couple of weeks and sources tell me he's beginning to get too close to us. I want you to get rid of him. With your skills, he shouldn't be too much of a problem." Shigaraki explained. "What's his quirk?" I asked. Shigaraki started to scratch at his neck again and said "It's called "Extendofinger." He's able to change the length and density of his fingers." "What is this, a joke? That's hardly threatening. Fine, i'll deal with our little problem. Just give me something more challenging next time." I said as I got out of my bed and started to head to the exit. "Twice is coming with you, to make sure you don't screw up or things do go out of hand. We can't have you causing too much attention to the league." Shigaraki explained to me as I let out a sigh. "As much as I like Twice, I don't need his help. I'm perfectly capable of doing this on my own. And before you remind me, "No mercy," right?" I said as I gave Shigaraki a creepy smile. "No mercy is what we're looking for. Twice is coming with you whether you like it or not though. And here, take this. It'll cover up the good side of your face." He said as he tossed me half of a mask. "We can't have you going around with your face exposed. People will recognize you and run in fear since they know you're a part of us. That mask will cover up your more recognizable side of your face, leaving your scarred side still showing though. It'll be harder for people to identify who you really are this way." Shigaraki explained as I put on the mask. "Thanks, I guess. Tell Twice to hurry his ass up. I'm leaving right now, whether he's ready or not." I said as I exited the building. 

"Dude! What the hell man!? Why'd you leave me back there!? Good on you for taking the lead!" Twice said into my ear as we walked through some side alleys. "Sorry man, I just want to get this over with. I really don't need your help though, this guys gonna be a total pushover. Shigaraki's holding me back. He knows i'm capable of holding my own, so why does he send me on an easy job like this?" I said as Twice started to pat my back. "Cheer up bud. Suck it loser! He's just testing you since this is your first mission for us. You're gonna fail so hard!" Twice said to me as I then shoved him away from me. "Just stop talking already. Sometimes you can be real annoying, you know!? Let's split up, that way we can find this guy faster. And maybe I can have some peace and quiet." I said as I headed down a darker alley alone. Twice continued down another alley shortly after I left. 

"Some leader he is! Why the hell is Shigaraki making me do this low level work when he knows i'm strong enough to take down big guns like Endeavor and Mt. Lady!? It just pisses me off!" I thought to myself as I punched a wall to my right. I let out a sigh and continued my search for this hero. "When's he gonna put me on a real mission? Jeez, i'm tired of all this hiding. When are we gonna do something that actually makes an impact for once?" I thought to myself as some people started to run by me. I grabbed one of them by their shirt collar and said "Hold up, what're you running from?" The person looked scared and said "You'd best get out of here kid! Broad Point is just around the corner, and he's fighting one of the members of the league of villains! If you know what's good for you, stay away from Broad Point or else he'll choke you out in an instant!" I let go and watched them run down the alley. I turned my head around and started to run the other way, hoping that when I turned this corner, I would find this hero we've been looking for. 

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