The Movie: Part 4

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Decided to have Cry not be a part of the main group at the start. Figured he could have his moment and then join the group where he'll help them out. We'll be getting back into the events that actually happen now. I'm also starting to think that the amount of chapters for the movie will be more than I thought. I pictured I would do it in 5 but from how much more content is left, I won't be surprised if there's six or seven chapters in total. Also, a new manga chapter will be released really soon. If there's enough content from it, then there will surely be a new canon chapter for this series. I will do that chapter after I complete the movie filler though. Enjoy!

My Hero Academia Movie Two Heroes Sub:

We ran across the walkway while Todoroki, Bakugou and Kirishima fought below us. We came to an exit that me and Midoriya proceeded to break through. When we went through, the path we had to take was blocked by some more shutters. "Now what're we supposed to do?" I asked as Melissa looked up to the ceiling in the garden area. "That's how we make it through!" She said, pointing to something. We all went over to her and saw what she was pointing at. It looked like a door. "That's the maintenance room for the sunlight system. It's on the floor above us and it crosses over the shutters that are blocking our path." Melissa explained. "Wouldn't it have an emergency ladder?" Iida asked as Melissa nodded. "It's true that there's a manual one but we can only reach it from the inside." Melissa explained as I fired a plasma shot from my hand. I blew open the door in the ceiling. "So someone small enough can fit in there and drop down the ladder." I said as Melissa nodded. Everyone then looked to Mineta and he freaked out. "No way! I'm not doing it! I'm staying right here, where it's safe!" Mineta said as Kaminari crouched and began to whisper into his ear. I don't know what he said to Mineta but Mineta suddenly changed gears. "Ok! Let's do this thing!" He said as I grew my wings. I picked him up and flew him over to the vent. He crawled into it and I flew back to the group. We walked over to the shutter where the ladder would drop down from. Within minutes, a ceiling panel opened up and the emergency ladder appeared. We all climbed up to the next floor and found Mineta standing there, looking way too overconfident. Everyone gave their thanks to him and we continued our way up the tower. 

When we arrived to the 100 floors, our path became much easier to go through. "Doesn't it seem like we got pretty lucky? All the shutters have been raised since we passed the 100th floor." Kaminari said which only made me concerned. "Could they have lost us?" Uraraka asked. "I doubt it. They're probably trying to lead us somewhere. It's most likely a trap." I said as everyone agreed. "Everyone be on guard. We don't know what we're going to find ahead." Iida said. as we continued up the stair well. 

When we arrived on the 130th floor, we found the stairs were blocked off by another shutter. "We'll have to find another route on this floor." Midoriya said as we went through the entrance to this floor. We ran through the halls but we finally came to an exit. The only problem was that inside the exit was dozens of security robots. They would most likely try and capture us the moment we stepped inside. "It looks like the enemy has changed from trapping us in to capturing us." Iida said, peering into the room. "They've probably realized we're U.A hero course students."Midoriya added which everyone agreed with. I began to think of a plan but it seems that Yaoyorozu was already thinking of one. "If that's the case, then we know what to expect too." She said as she made a huge insulated blanket from her skin. We used it to cover up everyone except for Kaminari. "We'll go with plan A then. Kaminari, are you ready?" Iida asked him as he nodded. Iida then grabbed Kaminari's arms, opened the door to the room and threw Kaminari into the horde of security bots. "Indiscriminate shock! 1.3 million volts!" Kaminari roared, producing electricity from his body. He landed in the centre of all the robots and he began to try and short them out. The robots tried to defend themselves, converting their bodies into a defensive mode. "Damn it! I'll just amp it up! 2 million volts!" Kaminari yelled as he produced more and more electricity from his body. "Don't do it, you idiot!" Jiro yelled to him as the bolts of lightning stopped. Kaminari turned around and we saw he fried his brain. He looked like a huge idiot now, having a dopey expression on his face. "Well, he may have put himself out but it looks like he stopped the robots." I said as I stepped out of the blanket. But as I entered the room to go and get Kaminari, the robots reactivated. They shot wires from their bodies and restrained Kaminari. "Midoriya! Come on! We need to take out those bots!" I said as he joined me by my side. We both threw off our suits and prepared to fight the incoming robots. I channeled 75,000 psi into my arms while Midoriya activated some weird looking red gauntlet that covered his right arm. I don't know what it was but Midoriya took the lead, roacketing forward and blowing back several robots with a single punch. I went next and I shattered nearly a dozen robots with a few punches. We made our way to Kaminari and destroyed the bots that were restraining him. I put him over my shoulders as Midoriya broke apart the last of the robots. "Jiro, can you hear anymore of the security bots?" I asked her as she inserted her earphone jacks into the floor. "There's more coming from the left." She said as Iida started running in the opposite direction. "If they're coming from the left then we'll just go right!" He said as he broke down another door. We all ran through and continued on our path to the top of the tower. 

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