Mother and Son, The Best Duo

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I put long thought into who Cry should intern with, and it originally came down to the number 3 hero: Hawks, or Cry interning with Edgeshot. What I came up with made me slap myself on the head, the fact that I didn't think of this first. I'm sure by the title, you can guess where things will go. The idea for me was to also develop some characters that I haven't talked about too much since starting this story. Enjoy!

One week had passed and everyone in my class had taken an offer. We all gathered at a train station and were preparing to head out and start our internships. Mr. Kan came with us to send us off. "All of you had better behave while you attend your internships. I don't want any of you to fail now. And most importantly, try to stand out but don't make stupid decisions." He said to all of us. We all replied, "Yes sir!" and we all headed off, each of us taking our hero costumes. 

I was sitting on a train, waiting for it to arrive at its destination where I would be doing my internship. I thought back to how I decided on one of my offers.


4 days ago, I was sitting at the desk in my room, trying to decide on which pro hero I should intern with. "These all are such good offers, how am I supposed to choose?" I asked myself. I heard a knock on my door and my mother entered. "Hello sweetie, having a tough time picking a pro hero?" She asked me. "You got that right, there's just too many to choose from." I said in response to her. "I may be able to help, let me see your list." She said as she began scrolling through the heroes. "What do you think of this hero for an internship?" She asked me before showing me who she picked. I began to read who she selected, "Let's see, under the Hosu city Hero Agency, the Wyvern Hero: Wrath Queen! Mom you put in an offer to have me as your intern!?" I asked her looking very surprised. "Of course I did sweetie, watching you during the sports festival made me see just how amazing you really are. And besides, if you take my offer, we'll be able to spend more time together, isn't that a good idea!?" She said while smiling at me. I quickly responded to her, "A good idea, it's a great idea! Thanks mom, you're the best! I can't wait to intern with you!"

-Present Time-

My train had arrived at Hosu City and I was searching for the hero agency that my mother worked at. I would be interning with her for one week so I knew that I would have to give %100 all of the time in order to gain much needed experience. While I was walking towards the hero agency, I looked up to the sky, taking in some fresh air. The city smelled great, until I realized I had just walked by a flower shop. However, while my head was pointed toward the sky, something caught my attention. I saw someone sitting on the edge of a small water tower. I didn't know who they were, but they were wearing a mask and several scarves. I figured it was one of the heroes that work in the city. I put my head back down and continued on my way. 

After a few minutes of walking, I came to a short stop when I realized who was walking in the distance in front of me. It was Midoriya. "He must have an internship in Hosu too. I wonder if he's going to the hero agency here?" I asked myself before chasing him down. I caught up to him eventually and we began to chat. "Long time-no see buddy, how're you doing?" I asked him. It was quick for him to respond. "Oh hey Cry, I'm doing fine, just headed to my internship. Are you going to the same one i'm going to?" He asked me out of curiosity. "That depends, are you going to the Hosu City Hero Agency?" I asked him back. "No, I got a special offer from a hero, he lives just around the corner." He explained to me. I responded to him, "Damn, that sucks. I was kinda hoping you got an internship where I was headed to. It would've been nice to work with you." I said to him with a somewhat sad face. "Yeah, that does kind of suck. By the way, who're you interning with?" He asked me. "I'm interning with my mother here. She's the Wyvern hero: Wrath Queen!" I said to him. Midoriya's eyes lit up and he explained to me, "The Wyvern Hero: Wrath Queen! She's famous for taking down loads of villains and being an expert in rescuing people! She's one of the top 20 heroes, making a statement at number 14! Are you telling me she's your actual mother!?" He asked me while sweating. I quickly responded to him. "You bet, I figured this was a good opportunity to spend more time with her since she's almost always away doing hero work. Plus, she's my idol hero, I want to be just like her when I become a full-time hero." I said while smiling. "Wow, you're lucky, I don't know what hero i'm interning with. But, anyway i've gotta go, it was nice seeing you again Cry. Maybe we'll see each other in the city!" He said while running off. I then continued on my way to find the hero agency my mother worked for.

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