The Movie: Part 3

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Alright, we've finally been introduced to all of the students in the movie. It kinda felt like there should've been at least one or two class B members in the movie but sadly, not one made an appearance. Now we'll be getting into the action of the movie. I can't wait to start this. I've been thinking pretty long and hard about how things should go down and I feel like what's going to happen is the best choice. I really hope you enjoy and as always, i'll be leaving the link to the movie below these comments. Enjoy!

My Hero Academia Movie Two Heroes Sub:

-Time Skip: 1 Hour 20 Minutes-

"Man, it feels weird wearing something like this. I guess i'm just more used to wearing a school uniform or my hero costume though." I thought to myself as I slipped on my formal clothing. I wore a green suit over a black shirt. I put on a white tie that seemed to fit well with my outfit. I felt ready to go. I exited my hotel and began to head to the central tower. 

When I arrived, I had just enough time to make it to the second floor before the party started. I entered the ballroom and saw dozens, maybe even hundreds of people. It was filled with a few pro heroes as well. I didn't recognize most of them but one in particular stood out to me. It was All Might! I adjusted my tie and made my way over to him. I could see he was talking to someone. The other man wore a pale blue suit and glasses. He also had scruffy looking brown hair. 

"Hello All Might

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"Hello All Might." I said as he turned around and faced me. "Ah, young Cry! I see you were invited to the opening of the expo as well! How are you!?" He asked me as we shook hands. "I'm doing great sir. Thank you for all your teachings at U.A. They're really helpful." I said as the other man who was with him grew curious. "Who's this, All Might?" He asked. "Oh, sorry David. This is Tenshonoma Cryshiki. He won the first year round at the U.A sports festival. He's aspiring to become a terrific hero." All Might explained as I shook hands with the other man. "Nice to meet you. I'm David Shield." He said. "It's a pleasure. Tenshonoma Cryshiki. But just call me Cry." I said to him. "I do believe I did see you during the sports festival. You've got some skills young man. If my daughter, Melissa shows up, i'll be sure to introduce her to you too." David said to me as I grew curious now. "Wait, Melissa? By any chance does she have long blonde hair and wear glasses like you?" I asked him as he nodded. "No need to introduce me. She actually guided me and some of my friends around today. She's a very kind young lady." I said as David smiled. He then looked at his watch and then to All Might. "I think it's about time we get things underway." David said as he looked to a stage that had a huge screen behind it. A man was walking up to a microphone that was in the centre of the stage. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to I-Expo's reception party. Let's have the number one hero, All Might, who is visiting us today say a few words and lead us in a toast. Everyone, please give him a round of applause!" The man said as everyone, including myself began to clap for All Might. He just kept smiling away as he walked onto the stage. He took the microphone and cleared his throat before speaking. "I wonder where everyone else is? Are they all late? Or did they get lost?" I thought to myself as All Might began his speech. "Thank you for inviting me. As you all probably know, I am All Might! I don't typically do formal talk so..." He began to say but he was cut off. The huge screen behind him turned red and appearing on it was the word "Emergency!" "This is an announcement by the I-Island security system! We have received a report from the security system that an explosive device was placed in the I-Expo area. I-Island will now be in high alert mode. residents are advised to return to their homes. Please refrain from going outdoors. In addition, most of the main buildings will be sealed off by the security system. I repeat..." The security system said as the doors to the ballroom opened up. Appearing were several men, wearing body armor and carrying guns. People in the room began to scream in fear. Entering the room behind all the armed thugs was a man with long red hair, wearing a white jacket and a metal face mask. 

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