The Weakest and the Strongest

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Alright, we're off! I've been planning on doing this filler for quite a while now. I'm going to try and have two battles per chapter, unless if there's a major character battling of course. I also figured this would be a nice time to reintroduce some of my older OC's that haven't been seen for a while. So Tombaka is back to represent Shiketsu. Will we see Sunomie? I actually haven't decided that yet. You'll just have to wait and find out. Also, i'll be doing this whole filler arc in the most fair way I can when determining the winners for each match. It's literally going to be 50/50 because i'll flip a coin to determine the winner. Even Cry get this treatment and may end up losing. Enjoy!

"Without further ado, let's the first match of this U.A vs Shiketsu tournament begin!" Present Mic screamed as the first battle was underway. Tombaka began waving his hands around, shaking up the stadium. Komori took out her two spray guns which increased the humidity in the air. She released the gas from her guns and then activated her quirk, releasing hundreds of mushroom spores around the arena. They began to latch onto Tombaka, and thanks to the increased humidity, they grew instantly, quickly covering up his body. "Pleurotus populinus Prison!" Komori said as Tombaka's movements were becoming much slower. "You won't be able to move when your whole body is covered in my beautiful mushrooms!" Komori said as Tombaka scoffed at her. "I don't have to move to use my quirk! Let me show you!" Tombaka said as he used his quirk without moving his hands. He broke off a chunk of the arena floor and levitated it around himself. He then sent it flying at Komori. "Amanita muscaria shield!" Komori said as she made a think wall of mushrooms appear in front of her. The concrete piece of the stadium crashed into the wall of mushrooms but it didn't break through. "Now split!" Tombaka said as he broke the piece of concrete in two. He then made them quickly float around the mushroom wall and strike Komori. She dodged one of the projectiles but she was hit in the back by the second one. "It doesn't matter if I can move or not! As long as I can still use my quirk, you won't be able to beat me!" Tombaka said as Komori got back up to her feet. "Let's see if that's the case after this!" Komori said as she released more gas from her spray guns. The humidity in the air was increasing drastically. She released more spores from her body and they all began to grow instantly in a huge pile in the centre of the battlefield. "Lentinula edodes Crash!" She yelled as the pile got even bigger. When it reached a height of around 50 feet, she sent it tumbling down onto Tombaka. He became engulfed in the mountain of mushrooms. It crashed down with somewhat of a squishy sound and everyone in the crowd waited silently to see what was going to happen next. 

Komori has started to jump for joy as she thought she had won. However, as she was doing that, the pile of mushrooms began to shake. Tombaka reemerged by blowing away all the mushrooms with his quirk. "I've had enough of this. It's time I end you and give Shiketsu High the lead." Tombaka said as he broke off a large section of the arena. He made it float high into the air, the section hovering over Komori now. When it got high enough, Tombaka sent it crashing down onto Komori. "Super move: Asteroid Onslaught!" Tombaka yelled as Komori started spraying gas from her guns again. "Amanita muscaria Shield!" She said as she began to cover herself in many thick layers of mushrooms. The large section of the arena crashed down onto Komori, creating a large dust cloud. Tombaka had started to laugh, as he was feeling confident that he had won. "That's what you get, U.A scum! You were foolish for taking me on with such a weak and pathetic quirk!" Tombaka said as he started to laugh even louder. The official walked over to Komori's spot and he inspected the damage. Komori herself was found crawling out of a crack underneath the concrete. She stood up, covered in dirt, scratches and bruises. She was able to give a thumbs up to the official though, and he let her continue. "Still standing, are we? Why bother? You look like you're about to pass out any second now! Just give up so you don't have to keep embar-" Tombaka began to say before he started choking on something. "DON'T! CALL! ME! WEAK! Ultimate Move: Agaricus bisporus Strangler!" Komori said as she had made mushrooms grow inside Tombaka's esophagus. He wasn't able to breath and he was doing everything he could to get the mushrooms out. "Mushrooms are the ultimate fungus! They spread and spread until nothing is left standing! And you're no exception!" Komori said as Tombaka fell down onto his back. His face was turning a shade of blue, indicating he was nearly out of breath. The official ran over to him as Tombaka fainted from the lack of oxygen. "Kashi Tombaka has been defeated! Kinoko Komori is the winner! U.A receives 1 point! The score is 1-0 for U.A!" The official announced as the crowd went wild. 

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