The Results Are In!

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Hope you all enjoyed the movie filler of this series! Yes, I did decide to have Cry join in on All Might and Midoriya's final push towards Wolfram. It just didn't feel right having him just stand around and watch those events occur. Plus, it gave me another chance to use Overdrive, debatably his least used power of his original quirk. I don't know, maybe it's tied with futuresight. Anyways, as I promised, here is another canon chapter! We've reached the end of the joint training session and now we get to see things we've been waiting for for months. Will Shinso be accepted into the hero course? And if so, which class will he be in? Well you get to find out some of those things right now! Enjoy!

"Sorry everyone... I... I failed you all." I said to my classmates as I put my head down in shame. My face was killing me from getting punched by Midoriya. I had a large black eye oh the right side of my face. "It's fine. You did everything you could as a leader. And... i'm thankful to you for saving me from Midoriya." Shinso said as me and my team exited class A's jail. We walked back to the rest of our classmates so we could finish up our training session. When we arrived, Midnight had taken over as the announcer, probably because Mr. Kan was being so biased. "There were some real do-or-die moments in the fifth match! But with a score of 4-0... Class A wins! And that brings these five matches to a close! You showed us some fantastic battles, proving how well you knew your enemies and yourselves!" Midnight said as everyone began to cheer. I raised my left arm up just like everyone else did. I still couldn't focus hard enough to form another right arm yet so I was stuck like this for now. "Class A took the first match, while class B took the second. The third match was a draw... and class A won the fourth and fifth matches! So the grand victory in battle training goes to class A!" Midnight roared into the microphone as all the class A students cheered even louder. "We were all deceived." Shiozaki said, breaking a tear from her left eye. "I'm not even that competitive, but still..." Kaibara said as Komori jumped in. "I know. It still stings! Hmph!" She said, making a pouty face. "You gonna be ok?" Kendo asked me as she was looking at my right arm. "I should be fine in an hour or two. I'll make a new one in no time. I was just surprised it shattered like that." I said to her as she laughed. "Yeah, we were all shocked as well. When you and Midoriya reappeared out of nowhere, we were stunned to see you both still fighting. And then when your arm broke apart, everyone, maybe even the teachers became silent. I mean... It's not everyday you see a person break a diamond with a single punch." Kendo said as she lightly punched my right side. "Well, it just shows I've still got a long way to go if I want to master this new quirk. And after watching Tetsutetsu battle, and fighting Midoriya, I think I may have a new move i'd like to try out." I said as Kendo grew curious. "And what would that be?" She asked me as I let out a small chuckle. "I'll leave that as a surprise. Assuming I can even pull it off." I said as Shinso walked past me. He walked right over to Aizawa, clenching his own binding cloth in his hands. "Master... I wasn't able to accomplish anything on my own, today. I'm still lacking." Shinso said as he put his head down in defeat. 

"And this was my test for a possible transfer, right?" Shinso asked as Mr. Kan looked stunned. "He knew?" Mr. Kan asked Aizawa. "It was just a guess, but given the timing and the format... This was a convenient way to test me that didn't cost anything. Plus, you let me fight twice." Shinso explained as Mr. Kan might as well have dropped his jaw. "We'll discuss your results soon. We still have to go over the postgame analysis first. Let's gather everyone together." Aizawa said as he and Mr. Kan caught the attention of all the students. "Um... First off, Midoriya. Want to tell us what happened?" Aizawa asked him as Midoriya started to look worried. I knew he wasn't comfortable talking about what happened during the match and I knew he wasn't going to just let out the secret of One for All. So I stepped in to answer for him. "Look, i'm just gonna give you the same answer he gave to me when I took him into the pocket dimension. Midoriya doesn't know what happened. Some sort of power went out of control inside him and those weird black tendrils shot out everywhere. It took control of Midoriya, even when he caught the falling pipes. We both figured it was because of all the stress he was putting on his body before. And after I damaged him enough during our one-on-one fight, that weird black stuff just vanished." I explained as everyone seemed to agree with me. Midoriya, who was standing to my left reached out and put his right hand on my shoulder. I looked and saw him give me a nod and a smile. He was thanking me. "That's right. The power just welled up and I couldn't control it. It's like something I've believed in up to now all of a sudden turned on me. It was truly terrifying. But when Uraraka, Shinso and Cry tried to stop me... that helped me realize that it wasn't all bad. If Shinso hadn't used his brainwashing to knock me unconscious... I honestly don't know what would've happened." Midoriya explained as he looked past me, over to Shinso who was standing by my right side. "You asked me if I was bluffing, Shinso. You asked because it looked like I had control of that black stuff when it appeared for the second time. I wasn't though. I had no clue what was going on. So to the three of you... Thank you!" Midoriya said to us. 

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