Our Strongest Offense!

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Seeing as Cry's main power that he would use would be his psi, I figured he would need some sort of strength enhancing ability to substitute the now gone psi. What i'm trying to do with it now is figure out a realistic set amount of power for it. Thinking the max might be around 70,000 pounds of force, but i'll probably go lower than that.  Anyways, enjoy! 

Another week has passed and everyone had either finished both of their ultimate moves, or they were putting the final touches on their second. I was finishing my second like most others were. With my new power, I had a way to successfully guard and attack without taking to much damage and wearing myself out. After doing calculations, it was determined that an attack from my single point force ability has an output of just over 50,000 pounds of force. That's around the average strength of a cannonball. I didn't feel as though it was enough to call it an ultimate move though so I improvised some ways to use it. 

Mr. Kan called everyone to the floor. We all listened and gathered in our semi-circle formation around him. "I'm very impressed with how much all of you have improved. All of you have basically completed your new moves, with only a few of you making only tiny changes. It's time to show me what you can all do. Just like day one of this year, you'll all be explaining your ultimate moves and showing them off to the rest of the class." Mr. Kan explained as everyone began to cheer. We weren't nervous anymore about showing off what we could do. "Now then, who would like to go first?" He said as he looked over to me. "Cry, how about you? Come on up." He said as I listened and stood in front of everyone. Before I showed off my new moves though, I needed some help. "The thing is, both of my moves involve my kinetic energy storage ability, and right now I have no energy stored within me. Anybody want to help me out? You just have to hit me as I guard." I explained as Kendo stood up. She didn't mutter a word though, she just stared at me. She went to my side and Mr. Kan began to speak. "Perfect, Kendo can show off her new moves on Cry as he charges up. You both can begin when you're ready." Mr. Kan said as Kendo turned to face me. she had a heavy glare that seemed to pierce my soul. I've never seen her like this before, and it kinda scared me. "Hit me with your best shot Kendo." I said to her as she reached out and rested her hand flat on my chest. "Jumbo Fist!" She yelled out as the hand enlarged. As it grew, her fingers rammed into my jaw, and in no time, she had a grip on my upper body. "How'd you like that!? Take this!" She said as she threw me away. I landed on my feet and prepared to counter-attack but she was already on to her next attack. She enlarged both of her hands and clapped them together. When her hands met, a thunderous sound could be heard. It was so loud that I put my hands to my ear. It felt like they were bleeding. I could see her running at me, ready to strike. She went to hit me with her right hand, I had to move quick in order to block the hit. I focused into one spot on my left fist, the red dot appearing on my knuckle area. I met her attack and a shockwave was created that shattered parts of the ground. I was able to hold my ground though, but she grabbed my right leg with her other free hand. She lifted me into the air and slammed my body into the ground. 

Kendo wasn't fooling around, I had to end this quick. I put on my goggles to see how much energy I had taken in. The reading said 41,893. I grew my dragon wings and headed toward the ceiling, somewhere I know Kendo can't reach me. "Here's my first ultimate move everyone!" I yelled out as I released the stored energy into my body. I then began to shape the energy right in front of me, keeping it from ejecting itself with my hands. It again, only took me a few seconds before I created the spear shaped projectile. I then fired it at Kendo, yelling out my ultimate move "Breaker Shot!" Kendo used both of here hands to guard against the attack. The shot struck her hands and it caused her to slide backwards, still on her feet. She was pushed back against a wall but remained standing and able to fight. "You have to do better than that to beat me! You don't have your special overdrive this time, so i' going to win!" She said as I landed back on the ground. 

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