U.A vs Shiketsu

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Check out this artwork of Cry! It looks amazing! I will also note that my artist wishes to be unnamed for this. We decided to go with a more modern concept on his hero costume since it's based off of a fighter pilots outfit. So this is like hero costume mark 2 for Cry, with the all black jacket and fur around his neck. If you think it's boring, just think of what Kaminari wears, or even Kaibara because he just wears a windbreaker jacket. The burned in hand-print on his face looks great, the diamond arm looks amazing, and the purple veins look clean af. Thank you so much to my artist! Now we'll be getting into some filler that I've been planning for a while. This may be a long one so sit back and relax. Enjoy!

At this time, December was coming to and end and the air was getting much colder. With the arrival of more snow, training sessions were becoming much harder. Not just in class but also my private sessions with Mr. Kan. He claims that training in a cold environment will help me become more resilient to weather change. If he thinks it's best than i'm not gonna complain. Monoma on the other hand... was a different story. Since he wanted to learn how to wield my quirk when he copies is, he had to join in on my private training sessions and learn to resist the cold as well. He complained quite a bit but I wasn't surprised by that at all. And, he was actually surprising me with how much he was progressing when using my quirk. He was able to figure out his own style of attacking with it, since he can't use the quirk the same way I can. He's unable to make anything physically from his body since he's %100 human. But he was able to work around that. As for me, I was still trying to perfect my new special move. I had the basics for it down already but it required a lot more focus than I thought it would. It could literally shatter with ease if I wasn't in total control. Plus, I could only use it for about 20 seconds currently, so i'm not quite there yet. As for classes, i'm not behind anymore, so at least there's hope in some things. And as for today, we didn't know what was going on but we were told that there was an urgent message for all students in the hero course. 

When everyone arrived in class, we all sat in our desks and waited patiently for Mr. Kan to tell us the news. He was currently leaning against his desk with his arms crossed and his head down, looking like he was thinking about something. He then stopped and looked around the room, staring at each of us individually. "I'm sure most of you have gotten wind that there is some huge news regarding the hero course at U.A. Well, i'm here to tell you what all is going on. We've been challenged." Mr. Kan explained as we all started to wonder what he was referring to. "What kind of challenge is it, sir?" Shoda asked him. "As you all should know, U.A is the top ranking hero school in the East of Japan. And only one other school in the country can hold a candle to us in terms of hero education. That would be the school to the West, Shiketsu High. We've been challenged to determine which school truly reigns on top." Mr. Kan explained as we all got a little excited. "We've established that this challenge will be decided by way of battles. Every battle won will earn that school one point. The school with the most amount of points by the end will be victorious." Mr. Kan explained as I became a little curious. "How many battles will there be, sir?" I asked him. "There will be ten battles in total. Both schools will select students that are currently enrolled in their first or second year in the hero course. However, we at U.A have decided to only send in our first years. It'll be great experience for you all whether you get to battle or not." Mr. Kan said as everyone cheered. "So, who's going to represent U.A then?" Tsubaraba asked. "We figured that we would keep it fair between the two first year hero classes so we decided that 5 students from each class would represent." Mr. Kan said as everyone grew curious now. "So who's going to fight from our class, then?" Tokage asked. "Every staff member from the hero course came together and we believe we made the best decisions in terms of our combatants. For class A, Aizawa has chosen Bakugou, Todoroki, Kaminari, Asui, and Kirishima. And as for class B, I have made my decision on who will compete. The five who will battle will be Komori, Tetsutetsu, Monoma, Cry, and Tsunotori. Each of you will have one week to prepare and hone your skills for this event. This school rivals U.A, and we can expect them to have equal or possibly even greater skills than our own. And on top of that, some of you may have to fight second year students, so be ready for anything and everything." Mr. Kan explained as I looked to all the other students he called out. Komori and Tsunotori looked a little nervous, and i'll admit, I was a tad nervous too. Tetsutetsu seemed to be right into it though, as he was someone who loved to fight. And as for Monoma, he looked very intrigued. I'm sure he was thinking of ways to combat his future opponent. "And lastly, given the scale of this event, you can bet it'll be just as big as the U.A sports festival. It's not often that these two schools meet but when they do, almost the entire world wants to know what's going on. So, it's been agreed upon that this event will be televised all over the world. I'm sure this will make some of you very nervous, but just remember your training and learn to ignore all the outside factors. If you can do that, then i'm sure you'll all gain victory for U.A." Mr. Kan said as we all gave him a "Yes sir!" We then went on with our regular scheduled class session. 

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