I want to Make an Alliance!

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From here on out things will be changed, in most cases it'll be characters that are replaced. For this part it will be Aoyama's character. Just assume he did not make the top 42. If you have good knowledge of the manga and anime, i'm sure you can guess who Cry will ally himself with. Enjoy!

"What the heck is a cavalry battle?" Some of the students started to ask. "Excellent question!" Midnight said into the microphone. "The cavalry battle is a team based event. Students will group up into teams of 2-4. One student will be the rider while the others will be your horses. The rider cannot touch the ground or else your group will be disqualified. Each team will consist of a point value depending on how many points each team member acquired in the first event. The points are based off of multiples of 5, so 42nd place only receives 5 points, 41st gets 10 points and so on and so forth!" She explained to the crowd. "That seems pretty simple to understand, I guess since I got 5th place I get 190 points." I thought to myself as Midnight continued to explain the game. "And the person who got 1st place in the previous event receives...10,000,000 points!" Everyone quickly looked shocked and turned their heads toward Midoriya, glaring at him. I wasn't bothered by this, as I figured more people would go after his team instead of mine. Midnight continued to talk, "Now then, everybody has 15 minutes to make your teams, so get to it!" She finished and everyone begun to separate themselves into groups.

Normally I would've wanted to team up with one of my classmates because we would be able to have good communication between each other, but I had a different plan in mind. I turned and started walking to the purple haired boy from before who was talking to Nirengeki Shoda(Quirk: Twin Impact) from my class and some other boy who had a large tail. I saw that they had the blank expression on their faces just like the students that carried the purple haired boy in the first event. I put my hand on his shoulder and began to speak with him. "I know what your quirk is, and I want to form an alliance with you. Don't use your quirk on me and I'll get you to the next round." I said in a serious tone. He turned to face me and I saw he had a faint smile. "And what makes you think you know what my quirk is?" He asked me. I began to think of some of the signs that proved my theory but he began to speak again. "No answer? I guess you do know what my quirk is. Fine, we'll make an alliance. You got a plan?" I guess his quirk involved talking to him, and then him taking control of others if they replied. I replied to his question, "First off I think you should be the rider because, no offense, but I think you have the least developed physical and ranged abilities of the 4 of us." He nodded his head in agreement. "Next, we shouldn't bother going after the 10,000,000 points because everyone else will try and go for them for most of the event so the chances we end with it are pretty small. I think we should kill time and defend our point total until near the end, then we use your quirk to steal the points from other teams." His smile grew a little bigger as he spoke to me again, "I like your thinking, what's your name?" He asked curiously. "Tenshonoma Cryshiki, please just call me Cry though. And you are?" I asked out of my own curiosity. "My name is Hitoshi Shinso" He said as we shook hands.

We took our position, Shinso being the rider, myself taking the lead horse spot as I was best suited for defense and offense and the controlled Shoda and blonde haired boy with the tail took the rear horse positions. Our point total was 525, one of the higher totals so there was a chance some of the other teams would come after us. I knew that I couldn't use my overdrive at all because it would put me out of commission for the remainder of the day, so I would forfeit the remaining events. That was out of the option so I had to resort to my plasma, psi, and reflection abilities. We planned to use my light reflection to make us invisible for the whole game and avoid any unnecessary conflict. It typically only works for me but if i'm touching anything it can become invisible too as long as I remain in contact with it. Since everyone on my team was connected, it would affect all of us. 

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