Team Yaoyorozu vs. Team Kendo

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Just a note since I didn't explain this before. Yes, Manga Fukidashi is on Kendo's team during this arc. I changed it up though and instead of having Cry on her team, I switched him with Shoda so he's now on Monoma's team. I've just wanted to make a fight for Cry and Midoriya for so long and this is the first chance I would've gotten. I couldn't pass it up. I'll just have to improvise this fight so Shoda makes complete sense. Enjoy!

There was a quick recap in between matches. Each competitor had to reflect on anything they did wrong. My class's first team had one huge flaw from the beginning and that's what caused them to lose. They couldn't decide who was most important on the team, Shiozaki or Shishida. In my opinion, I would've said Shiozaki since she essentially had control over the entire battlefield. But we had to move past our loss and prepare for the next match. This time, Yaoyorozu from class A was leading Tokoyami, Hagakure, and Aoyama. And for my class, Kendo was leading the team, alongside Shoda, Kuroiro, and Komori.

The second round had begun and already, Kendo's team was being attacked. Tokoyami released Dark Shadow from his chest and sent it straight towards the other team. It began to attack all of Kendo's team at once, proving to be quite powerful. Now before any of the matches started, I remembered that Kuroiro said he wanted to fight against Tokoyami. Now was his chance to show what he could do as he charged Dark Shadow. It amazed everyone when Kuroiro merged with Dark Shadow. "Holy crap! Now I see why he wanted to face Tokoyami! Since his Dark Shadow is black in colour, he would be able to move through it without being hurt! Nice thinking Kuroiro!" I thought to myself. Kuroiro took it a step further and began to control Dark Shadow. He turned around and followed the connection between Dark Shadow, eventually finding class A's team. Kuroiro used Dark Shadow to attack the other team, catching Tokoyami heavily off guard. He struck Tokoyami and send him sliding across the ground. Kuroiro then exited Dark Shadow as it disappeared and then he went into some shadows on a few pipes. Kuroiro was laughing from his hiding spot, taunting Tokoyami in particular. "Fumikage Tokoyami. I shall bore straight through you!" Kuroiro said as Tokoyami got back up and removed his black cloak. "I accept your challenge Kuroiro. And i'll meet it head on with the new technique I devised under the tutelage of Hawks: "Black Fallen Angel!"" Tokoyami yelled out. Kuroiro only scoffed it off as he appeared from some shadows behind Aoyama. He grabbed his cape and dragged him deep into the zone by himself. This caught class A's team off guard as they were possibly down one team member already. Tokoyami used his new move to chase after them as he put his cape above his body. Dark Shadow then appeared from him and wrapped itself in the cape. Dark Shadow then held onto Tokoyami and the two of them began to fly. "Wait! Since when can he fly!?" I thought to myself as he was beginning to catch up to Kuroiro. 

Since Dark Shadow is always floating, it's possible for him to move around while he's carrying Tokoyami. Since it thrives in darkness, it uses Tokoyami's cape to strengthen itself, increasing its speed. Tokoyami used this new ability to catch right up to Kuroiro and take back Aoyama before he could be eliminated. Aoyama then shot out several lasers from his armour, trying to mae enough light with them to remove all shadows and black colouring in the room. He fired them off and the lasers lit up the entire area around him. All shadows disappeared and from a pipe, Kuroiro emerged. As the rest of class A's team was arriving the scene, Kuroiro was quickly becoming surrounded. When the full team was there, they went in to capture him but they all soon stopped in their tracks. Mushrooms had begun to form on their bodies. "Looks like Komori's finally entered the game" I said as she did indeed appear to face the other team. 

Komori's mushroom were forming on all members of the other team. Hagakure was becoming more visible, making it easier to spot her. Komori kept releasing the spores from her body, turning large sections of the ground into mushrooms and making it hard to maneuver through. And as the members of class A were trying to figure out what was going on, the remaining members of class B took action. From a nearby location, Shoda was using his quirk to break off large pipes and send them hurdling towards the other teams location. He was hitting so many at an alarming rate, they began to form a wall between class A's team members. Yaoyorozu had been separated from the rest of her team and now had to figure out some way to find them. But before she could even move, Kendo appeared behind her and went to strike with her quirk. Yaoyorozu was able to react in time and she created a riot shield to block Kendo's attack. Kendo's power was overwhelming though as she broke her riot shield into pieces. "Yaoyorozu is at a massive disadvantage now. Kendo's specialty is fighting a close-quarters. If she can't escape, she won't last very long." I thought to myself as the match continued. Yaoyorozu continued to make shields from her body but Kendo was always there to destroy them. After a minute of these exchanges, Yaoyorozu finally made a move. She took a small opening to get close to Kendo and she started to morph her entire right side. From her body emerged a gigantic cannon. Yaoyorozu held it up to Kendo's face, stunning her. However, Yaoyorozu did not use the cannon on Kendo as she instead turned it to face the pile of trash that separated her from the rest of her team. She pointed it upwards and shot out a strange looking projectile. It soared right above the trash, landing on the other side near Tokoyami. 

At this point, All of class A's team was being overwhelmed from the attacks Komori and Shoda were releasing. Kuroiro was using black coloured mushrooms to travel around the terrain faster and capture enemy team members. Hagakure's entire body was almost covered in mushrooms, making her impossible to miss now. Tokoyami was in combat with Kuroiro who was carrying away Aoyama again. Tokoyami stopped his pursuit though and noticed the projectile that Yaoyorozu had fired off. It was a large sack labeled "Yaoyorozu Lucky Bag." Tokoyami reached inside to take out whatever was inside, hoping it would help them in this fight. 

Kuroiro had returned to the scene to regroup with Komori. "Aoyama's been captured. Now only two left." He said to Komori. "Shoda's busy fighting Hagakure, so we just have to deal with Tokoyami." Komori said as she saw him flying down a corridor. "I think he knows where we are Kuroiro! He's heading right for us! And he's...wearing some sort of goggles?" Komori said as she saw Tokoyami's face. He was indeed wearing a set of goggles, infrared goggles to be specific. These would allow his to find his enemy's easier, even when Kuroiro would travel in objects, he could still see his heat trail. Tokoyami closed the distance with the two of them and activated one of his ultimate moves. "Black Abyss!" He yelled as Dark Shadow merged with his upper body. When Tokoyami was close enough, he struck Komori with one of his hands, now enfused with Dark Shadow. He sent her down a hallway and then moved his attention to Kuroiro. Kuroiro had turned his back and was focused on Komori. Tokoyami took this chance to take off his cloak and put it onto Kuroiro. To my surprise, the cloak seemed to absorb Kuroiro's body, trapping him inside as Tokoyami crumpled it up. Tokoyami then defused with Dark Shadow and used it to retrieve Komori. He wrapped Dark Shadow around Komori's body, ensuring she couldn't move. "So long as neither of you can move, I've got nothing to fear. Time to throw..." Tokoyami tried to say before starting to cough. The trapped Komori then began to laugh, saying "So sorry. It's hardly cute so I've kept it secret, but losing the match without using it would be much worse. Now attack his lungs my mushrooms!" Komori cried as she had formed mushrooms inside Tokoyami's lungs. He was unable to breath and after a short time, he passed out from the lack of air. Dark Shadow then disappeared, releasing Komori, letting her save Kuroiro who was still trapped in Tokoyami's cloak. 

Meanwhile, Shoda chased down Hagakure, or at least he thought he was. She was hitting him from all sides, moving too quick for any of his attacks to hit her. From out of nowhere, one of Kendo's giant hands appeared. She seemed to grab hold of Hagakure's body, stopping her form moving. "Sorry i'm late." Kendo said while panting. "Thanks Kendo, you saved me. What's with all this though?" Shoda asked as he looked at Kendo's body. She was wrapped in ropes from her shoulders to her knees. One of her hands was free but Yaoyorozu was clinging to her thanks to the ropes. The cannon Yaoyorozu made was still formed in her body, meaning Kendo dragged Yaoyorozu and her cannon while wrapped up in ropes. "Everything she created was done with a purpose as she looked ahead to what was coming next. Come on, let's take these two to our prison" Kendo said as she dragged the unconscious Yaoyorozu along with her cannon. 

With that, the second match had ended. My class had one the match with a dominant 4-0 victory, showing that we're no slouches in terms of combat. We had now tied the overall score at 1-1, and up next was a match that would surely set the tide of the rest of the matches. The two teams in the next match both consist of one student who was admitted into UA through recommendations. Team Todoroki was set to take on Team Honenuki.

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