Just Survive!

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This chapter, much like the previous one, is FILLER! If you don't want to read it, then please skip ahead to the next canon chapter. I really can't believe this but... we freaking made it to 100 chapters. My mind is blown from all the support each and every one of you has given me. Whether you're a first time reader or you've been reading this series from its early days, I just wanna say thank you for helping to make this series what it is today. 100 chapters and over 1,700 reads. I'm utterly speechless at this point and we're not even close to being done. And again, I kindly ask you just to leave a comment below, even if it's just a simple "you're welcome" or a comment on your own ideas for this series. And also, the art drawing option is still up for grabs. I'm willing to pay someone for doing artwork on Cry, the main character of my story. All you have to do is draw him in whatever art style based on his current look. If you want to do this, leave a comment below or send me a direct message on Wattpad. I'll give you all the info you need to start. Thank you all once again for helping me make it to this point and as always, I hope you enjoy!

"Just keep running and don't stop!" I said as me, Kodai, and Kaibara ran through the forest. How far out are we!?" Kaibara asked me. "I don't know! Maybe 5 more minutes!" I said to him as Kodai suddenly tripped. "Kodai! Are you alright!?" I asked as I stopped to run back to her. However, when I looked to the spot where she fell, she was gone. "Guys, help me!" We heard her yell as I shined the light coming from my arm around the area. Kodai was barely in view and it looked like she was being dragged away. "Over there!" I said as me and Kaibara took off for her. We were moving quicker than she was so we were able to catch up to her eventually. I saw a few objects were grasping onto her body and legs, pulling her along the ground. "Spark! Flare!" I yelled as I created a ball of fire in my right hand. I used my right hand to clamp myself onto one of the objects. When the fire was close enough, we could all see it was a hand that was emerging from the ground. Dozens of them were carrying off Kodai. Although I did manage to burn the one I was holding onto, making it let go of her. I then waved my hand around the other hand, slightly burning them but it was doing enough to make them let go of Kodai. "What are those things!?" Kaibara asked me. "I don't know! Maybe it's someone's quirk! But whatever it is, it's not friendly! We need to keep moving!" I said as I helped Kodai back to her feet. Her knees were all scratched and bruised from her fall earlier and she was having trouble standing. I decided that I would carry her on my back to save us some time. She held on tightly as I was about to start running back to camp. 

However, as we all began to head back, we heard more screams. This time, it was coming from the direction of our camp site. It was clearly our friends who were in trouble. "That's the camp! Something's happening over there!" Kaibara said as he took off ahead of us. "Wait! Stay as a group!" I said but he just rushed ahead into the darkness, barely staying within the light I was making. I quickly gave chase to him with Kodai hanging on tightly to my back. And after a few minutes of running, we could see our campfire burning n the distance. "There it is!" Kaibara said as he rushed onto the site. Me and Kodai arrived shortly after and I placed Kodai gently down onto a stump. I looked around but no one else was in sight. "Where'd they all go?" I asked myself as a tree above us started to rustle. I shined my light from my right arm upward to see if I could see what was in the tree. I feeling of relief grew over all of us when we found out it was Kendo and Yanagi. "Oh thank heavens you're all alright." Kendo said as she and Yanagi sat high above the ground. "What happened here? We heard you all screaming." I asked. "We were attacked by something. We were just sitting around the camp fire when out of the blue, something latched onto Rin and pulled him away. We both tried to follow but we got blocked off by something. And then whatever it was came back for us so we decided to hide in this tree." Kendo explained as she dropped down. "What happened to all of you? Where's Mr. Kan?" Kendo asked me as I just put my head down. Kaibara and Kodai did the same as Kendo's face just dropped. "No... Please tell me... that he's alright..." Kendo said as I slowly shook my head. "We found him with the same wounds that the dead hiker had. I tried my best to recover him but he was too far gone. All he was able to tell me was that there is a killer here. And that we should escape at dawn. There'll be more light then and we'll be able to see what's coming." I explained as more tears began to roll down my eyes. And I could see the same was happening to Kendo. "So then... what do we do? You're still in charge after all." She said to me as I wiped away the tears. "We just need to survive until morning. We'll stick to our original plan and take shifts, watching over the site. I'll still go first, even though none of us will want to sleep now." I explained to Kendo as she gave me a nod. 

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