I Thought this was Training!?

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So there you have it! Shinso will be moved into the hero course! I just wish it wasn't at the start of his second year. And I also, really wished they said which class he would join. My fingers are crossed that it's class B, of course. It could really go either way though since both class A and B's dorms still have empty rooms. It'll probably be a long wait until we find out. The next manga chapter comes out Feb. 29th, so there's going to be a bit of a wait for the next canon chapter. So, i'll try and pump out extra filler, starting with this! A horror based filler! Keep in mind, everything that happens in these chapters will not affect that actual story! It's just for fun! And if you're not interested in filler, please go check out one of my other series! I recently started a new series based off the RoosterTeeth franchise, RWBY. It's actually become my fastest growing series to date based on the point where it currently stands. Enjoy!


Our second semester seemed to be going pretty smoothly, all things considered. Everybody in my class, including myself, was doing well in all lessons. But now, special classes were starting to begin. For the next three weeks, Mr. Kan would take out a handful of students into the wilderness to do some survival training. One group would go out each week and spend the entire weekend living off of whatever they could find. Furthermore, we were told that we were not allowed to bring any sort of electronic device. The first two trips past by without issue, other than my classmates coming back and saying they were completely exhausted and cold. I would probably be sating the same thing when I would come back from this trip too. And now, only six students were left to go out. There was myself, Kodai, Rin, Kaibara, Kendo, and Yanagi. We were all getting prepared for a weekend of hell, because let's face it, Mr. Kan is going to make us do some intense training exercises when we're out there. The six of us waited at U.A's bus station, eagerly awaiting our teacher to arrive and take us out to our destination. We were taking a much smaller bus this time, obviously since there was so few of us. In no time, Mr. Kan arrived and opened up the bus for us. "Everybody get on the bus. We're going pretty far out for this trip. Naturally, I won't be taking you to the same locations that the other two groups went to. You'll be starting from scratch once you get there. I advise you all make a plan before arriving. We don't know what the conditions will be like at our location." Mr. Kan explained as we all gave him a, "Yes sir!" We all then got on the bus and headed off to our wilderness survival location. 

-Time Skip: 4 Hours-

We finally made it to our location. We all exited the bus, grabbed our supplies and headed deep into a forest. We walked for nearly an hour and a half before Mr. Kan finally told us we had made it. As we discussed in the bus, all the guys set up our tents while the girls went out to get firewood for tonight. We were set up in a small clearing, about 50 feet in diameter with some stumps laying around. They would make for good seats when we huddled around the fire. "What do you think we'll be doing out here?" Rin asked me and Kaibara. "Don't know. I didn't have the chance to ask anyone else from the other groups. Probably training." I said as Kaibara agreed with me. "Knowing our teacher, i'm sure he's got something planned for us." He said as we all nodded together. "You're absolutely correct, boys." Mr. Kan said as he appeared behind us. "Uh, Mr. Kan! Where did you come from?" Rin asked as he got spooked from our teacher. "I just set up my tent and I came around to see how you were all progressing. We'll discuss what we'll be doing at this location tonight. For now, get camp ready." Mr. Kan instructed us as we all obliged. In the span of 20 minutes, the three of us had set up all the tents for each of the students. We were a little tired, breathing slightly heavy. "All done. Now, we just gotta wait for Kendo and the others to get back here." Kaibara said as we went to move the stumps around. We moved them into a circle formation and in the centre of them, I used my quirk to make a fire pit in the ground. "There we go. Tents are up, fire pit is all ready to go. And..." I started saying as I reached into my tent to grab something. I pulled an object back out and held it in front of Kaibara and Rin. "What is that thing?" Rin asked me. "It's a water filter bag. If there's a river or something nearby, we can fill this up and it'll give us some clean drinking water." I explained to them as they just stared at me. "Couldn't you just use your quirk to make clean water?" Kaibara asked me as I just started to laugh. "Well yeah but... it's no fun that way. We're camping and it's best to take in the environment how it is. I don't want to cheat out here." I explained to them as they both sighed. 

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