My Time to Shine!

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Cry was never the most popular kid growing up. Throughout his childhood he was seen as a freak or the embodiment of unfairness for having multiple quirks. The truth is he only had one, it just so happened that one quirk allowed him multiple abilities. With the reactions of the public frightening the child, his parents, specifically his father became very protective and would attempt to hide his quirk when going out into public places. His mother was also protective of him but wasn't at home often due to her being a pro hero. She was the wyvern hero: Wrath Queen. Normally quirks are passed down from parent to child, sometimes only obtaining one quirk from one parent and sometimes receiving a mix of both quirks from your parents. Cry's case was different as he received and entirely different quirk than expected, something fairly uncommon to the world. With Cry being treated so harshly by others he became shy and timid as a child but as he grew up he started to come out of his shell as he made new friends.

Time Skip

Cry was 16 years old, having gained new abilities to add to his quirk he is now looked at as a freak more often now, though he has learned to just ignore the people shunning him. He had just completed middle school and was wondering where he needs to take his next step. His whole life he felt like an outsider, his friends now gone as they're going to different schools. He overheard some of the other students from his class talking about trying out to enter UA High's hero course. Cry put deep thought into it but decided that he would also try out for UA's hero course because he felt it would help people see him not as a freak but a figure that people can believe in just like his mother. 

Cry rushed home, thinking to himself on the way "I hope my parents will let me try out for the hero course, I can't think of any other way for people to see me differently."

Upon reaching his house, both of his parents were home, he asked them to sit down so he can ask them a question, "Sure thing sweetie" his mother said. "I know what I want to do, I want to enter UA High's hero course and become a hero! Just like you mom." Both of his parents looked at each other nervously, his dad looked back to talk first, "are you sure you want to do this, what if you're still just seen as a freak there?" Cry replied "That's why I want to enter the course so I can show people that i'm not a freak, that I can be someone who they can believe in, a hero, just like you mom!" His mother acknowledged him "Sweetie, i'm not going to stop you, it's your path to choose, but just know that neither me nor your father will help you prepare for the entrance exam for the hero course. And if you feel like you can't do it, just know that you can always come home, we're always here to protect you." A tear started to run down cry's face, "Thank you mom! Thank you dad! I promise i'll do my best and make you proud, i'll do so good that i'll be the next number one hero! Even better than All Might!"

Time Skip

One month had passed and it was time for Cry to take UA's entrance exam. His dad dropped him off at the main entrance to the exam building, and his mother wished him good luck before he left home as she had to go out and do hero work. Cry waved goodbye to his father and walked toward the entrance. He noticed some people around him with clearly visible quirks, a boy with what looked like scales on his arm, like a crocodiles arm, and he also noticed a brown haired girl who was making someone float in midair. Cry thought to himself "What kind of quirk is that? She can make objects float in midair? That's pretty neat!" He walked over to her and the boy she was floating to introduce himself. "Hello, you've got a really cool quirk there, the way you're making this guy float, pretty neat!" "Oh, thank you, it's called zero gravity, anything I touch with my fingertips can can float with essentially no weight." She replied. She helped the boy she was floating back to his feet, "Thank you for doing that, you didn't have to though." he said to the brown haired girl. "It's bad luck to fall before you take a test, it's no big deal anyway." She replied to him. She looked to Cry and the other boy who had green hair, "Hi, it's nice to meet you, my name Ochako Uraraka!" Cry answered back first and said "Nice to meet you Ochako, My name is Tenshonoma Cryshiki, but you can just call me Cry. and you are?" He said looking at the green haired boy. "I'm Izuku Midoriya, it's a pleasure to meet you, i'm assuming you're here to take the entrance exam as well?" Cry and Uraraka replied at the same time, "Yes I am!" 

Before they could continue their conversation, an announcement was said through a PA system, "Attention all applicants for this years UA High hero course, please gather in the main lecture hall for your orientation to the exam!"

We all looked at each other and decided it was time to go inside.

Once inside we all sat apart from each other, Midoriya sitting next to some other guy with ash colored hair and an angry expression on his face. Uraraka sat next to two other girls, they seemed to be having a conversation with each other. I sat next to a kid with blue hair and glasses and another with the weirdest hair, it was purple balls. 

Before we all knew it, a pro hero: Present Mic appeared on the stage in front of all of us. "Hello everybody! Welcome to UA High's entrance exam!" He said before going into details on how the exam would work. Apparently we had to destroy training robots, each worth different sets of points from one to three. While he was explaining though I noticed there was a fourth type of robot that he hadn't said anything about, I was about to ask what the purpose of that robot was but the blue haired kid next to me shot up his hand and asked first. "Excuse me? There appears to be a fourth type of robot that is unlisted, could you please explain what the purpose of it is?" He asked the pro hero. "Sure thing! That robot in particular is seen more of as an obstacle and you should avoid it at all costs, plus it's not worth any points so there's no point in going after it anyway!" He replied to the blue haired boy. "Thank you for that cleanup, i'm sorry for interrupting." He sat back down. "Now then, before we begin the UA entrance exam, how about we hear an extra special plus ultra from you guys?" He said to the crowd of people. He began to count, "One...two...three....PLLLLUUUUUSSSSSS UUUUUUULLLLLTTTTTTRRRRRRAAAAA!" The entire crowd roared out in excitement.

Everyone was assigned an area where they would take their exam, Cry was headed to area C. He tried scoping out his competition, looking for any obvious quirks, he saw a boy with what looked like a yellow lego canister with holes on his head, he also noticed a girl with huge ram horns on her head, he assumed her quirk was called "Ram." Upon reaching the entrance to area C everyone looked up to a giant screen to see present mic broadcasting himself to all of the other areas. "Ok everybody, it's time to get this thing started! Remember, the aim is to get the most points possible so go out their and show us what you can do! Give it a PLUS ULTRA!" Everyone cheered in anticipation. He began to count down, "!" Everyone ran into the exam area in search of the training robots. Cry wanting to prove himself more than anyone else around him ran as fast as he could to try and lead the pack. "Mom, dad, I won't let you down. I will pass this exam and enter the hero course! I WILL BECOME A HERO!" He shouted to himself as he sprouted wings from his back and took to the skies. 

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