A Whole Year Ahead

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This chapter is filler. If you're not interested in reading it, feel free to skip ahead to the next canon chapter, titled: "Team Midoriya vs. Team Cry." Two new OC's will be in this chapter. Each were created by two of my friends, so here's hoping you like their own ideas. And if I enjoy writing them, I may find some way to make them canon in the future. This chapter takes place while class B is making their ultimate moves, so expect Cry to have older powers and not his reality powers. Enjoy!

A week had passed since we began training on our ultimate moves. Today we would be having a special lesson along side class A. Neither of the teachers for our classes gave any hints as to what we would be doing though. If I were to guess, I would say it's a test day to show how our ultimate moves are coming along. Regardless, everyone in my class changed into their costumes and headed to gym gamma where we do our regular training these days. When we arrived, class A was waiting with their teacher, Aizawa. "Glad your class could finally make it." Aizawa said with a gloomy tone. "You can't rush perfection. Shall we begin?" Mr. Kan asked him as Aizawa nodded in agreement. "Very well. Today, you'll all observe what it's like to be in a desperate situation. Every hero must go through this scenario sometime, and you'll be no different. Some of you here will participate in one of these scenarios. As to who will be picked, that will be up to some of our special guests. Come on out you two!" Mr. Kan said as two people entered the gym behind everyone. We all turned around and saw a boy and a girl standing in the entrance wearing hero costumes. The boy was just wearing army regulation pants and boots, nothing too impressive but I guess it relates to his quirk. The girl on the other hand was wearing a black body suit and a green visor. "Everyone say hello to Juko Samaki." Mr. Kan said as he gestured to the boy. "Hello everyone, it's nice to meet you all." Samaki said as he gave us a smile. It sounded like he had a Scottish accent, "He must be an exchange student like Tsunotori and Rin" I thought to myself as Mr. Kan continued. "And this is Mika Amatsu." Mr. Kan said as he gestured to the girl. "Hello everyone!" Amatsu said very cheerfully. "These two are second year students at U.A. Today, they'll each pick one of you to brawl with. Given that they have a whole year of experience on each of you, don't expect to win this fight. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try at all if you are picked though. Give it your all in this fight." Mr. Kan said as Aizawa stepped up and looked to his class. "Myself and Vlad will each be choosing one student from each of our classes. As to which one of the two seconds years you will be fighting, that's not up to us. We've given them the option." Aizawa said as he scanned his students. "From my class, Tokoyami, you're up." Aizawa said as Tokoyami stepped forward. "Thank you for this opportunity, Mr. Aizawa." Tokoyami said as I turned my attention to Mr. Kan. "And from my class, I'll pick Cry to participate." He said as I also stepped forward. "Thank you sir. This'll give me my chance to test out my new move." I said as Mr. Kan nodded. 

Me and Tokoyami stood side by side as we watched the two second year students walk around and stand in front of us. "Ladies first." Samaki said as Amatsu nodded to him. "Why thank you. Now, let's see..." She said as she was pondering on who to fight. She raised her finger in the air and said "I think i'll face you!" as she lowered her finger down and pointed at Tokoyami. "It'll be an honor to face you in combat." He said as they both walked over to the centre of the gym. I sat down with Samaki on a bench on the sidelines. The rest of the students just sat down at the edge of the gym, waiting to watch the first fight unfold. Tokoyami and Amatsu stood about 20 feet apart, facing each other and waiting for one of the teachers to start the match. "Since I've got more experience than you, i'll at least give you some sort of advantage. My quirk is called "Double Edge." It allows me to enhance a part of my body, but the trade off is that it also weakens another part of my body. We'll see if you can catch on to it quickly or not." Amatsu said as she began to giggle. Tokoyami didn't do anything other than stare at his opponent. He didn't even mutter any words, all he saw was another person to prove himself to.

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