I Recognize You

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Gonna be taking a short break from writing soon. I'll be going back to college to start my next semester, and i'll be moving in to my own room at the same time. The break will be very short, I promise. Once again, thank you for reading if you've made it this far. I've noticed there's 2 or three people who have been reading all of my chapters, even the ones I just release. I especially give a huge thanks to them for being interested in this series. And lastly, if you have any comments, whether it be your own ideas for this series or your own OC, please feel free to leave them in the comments below. Enjoy!


"You're outnumbered 3 to 1! Just give up now!" The boy with the tape arms said as he, Izuku and Uraraka began to slowly walk up to me. "If it's 3 on 1, then this is going to be fun." I said with a chuckle as one of them made the first move. Uraraka started to run at me and like before, she reached her hand out to touch me. I figured she had to make contact with her fingers to activate her quirk so my best move was to avoid her hands at all times. I took a step back, avoiding her hand and making her lose balance. I took this chance to grab her wrist, and as I did, I generated 50,000 psi into my arm. I began to turn my body, taking Uraraka with me, and when I did a full 180, I let go and threw her back over to her friends. Izuku caught her but they both slid a few feet backwards on the ground. The boy with the tape arms was next. He raised his arm up and from his elbows, tape appeared and flew over to me. I raised my right arm up so the tape would catch it instead of my body. Sure enough, the tape wrapped around my forearm and elbow. "Midoriya! Uraraka! Go after him now! I've got a good hold of him!" He said as I started to laugh. "I think it's the other way around, kid! Let's take you for a spin!" I said as I amped up the psi in my arm to 80,000. I increased the strength of my other arm too and took hold of the tape that was wrapping itself around my right arm. I started to turn while pulling on the tape, whipping the kid around in circles. I could hear him screaming, and yelling for someone to help him. I decided to stop throwing him around by pulling hard on the tape, making it flew towards a rock wall. The kid flew past me and landed head first into the wall. I ripped the tape off of my arm and started to walk over to him. Part of his helmet was broken and I could see his lower lip was bleeding. He wasn't facing me so I was able to approach him fairly easily. I grabbed his shoulder and spun him around, then shoving him against the wall. "Oh look, you're bleeding. Here, let me clean that up for you." I said as I dragged one of my fingers across his lip. 

"Get away from him!" Izuku said as he had snuck up on me without me noticing. I had no time to react as by the time I turned my head to see where he was, I was met with a steel-toed kick to the face. I was sent flying into a boulder. I landed hard on my back, but I was able to get up before they made another attack. "Well that hurt." I thought to myself as I looked back over to Izuku and the tape kid. Izuku was glowing green again and he leaped over to me with blinding speed. When he got close enough, he started to do a roundhouse kick and I countered by putting my arms together to cover my face. He made contact with me and made me slide against the ground a few feet away from him. He then went for another kick and I went to grab his foot but before I could, tape began to wrap around my hand. I now had no time to react and Izuku landed a straight kick to my gut. I stood my ground but I fell to my knees from the pain. "It's over. Give up and let one of us eliminate you." Izuku said to me but I wasn't having any of it. "I generated 45,000 psi into my left arm and went to hit Izuku with an uppercut. I landed my fist into his jaw and I sent him a few feet into the air. I took this chance to rip the tape of of my other hand and go after the tape kid. "You're getting real annoying, you know? I think it's best I eliminate you first." I said as I began to walk over to him. "Uraraka! Now!" He yelled which made me start to look around for her. I couldn't see her anywhere around me, so I figured she was hidden behind a boulder. That theory was wrong though as within seconds, I felt a hand touch the top of my head. I looked up and saw Uraraka doing a one-handed hand stand on top of me. "How the hell did you get up there!?" I said as I went to grab her arm. "The same way you're about to!" She said to me as she pulled my hair and effortlessly threw me into the air. I felt weightless, almost like there was no gravity around me. "How the hell do I get out of this!?" I thought to myself as I saw a familiar green blur speed past me. I had no control over my movements, it was too hard to turn my body in any direction. I saw Izuku quickly making his way right towards me but I just couldn't find the strength to turn and face him. "We may not eliminate you, but this is more than enough to satisfy me! This is for hurting my friends!" He yelled to me as he swung his leg at me. It struck me in the chest and the impact sent me flying across the stadium. I was now headed to the city section of the stadium, and I wasn't losing any momentum. I was nearing a large building and based on my trajectory, I was going to crash into it. I was getting closer and closer and I began to brace myself for impact. 

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