The Explosive Quarter Finals!

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I was resting in my waiting room, just feeling anxious to go back out their and fight. I was trying to come up with a plan to take on Tokoyami and that creature he can spawn from his chest. "From what I can remember from the cavalry battle, it got scared when it came into contact with Kaminari's electricity. So it's either weak to electricity or it's weak to the light that the electricity created. The only thing I can even possibly exploit that weakness with is some of my plasma shots, to create explosions." I thought to myslef. It was a simple plan but it was all I could think of as Tokoyami's quirk didn't have a lot of counters. My main goal when fighting him was to not get grabbed. I didn't know how much strength his creature had, so I figured that I would avoid it as much as possible. While I was thinking of some other plans to take on Tokoyami, my cell phone began to ring. I answered and heard my dads voice on the other end. I could hear him crying which made me worried. "Dad! Is everything alright, what's wrong!?" I said into the phone. He quickly responded to me. "Don't worry son, their tears of joy. I've been watching you this whole time, you look amazing, you're doing amazing! I couldn't be any more prouder. I just wish your mother wasn't off doing hero work. She would've loved to see you in action. She told me she'll try and make it home for some of the final matches." I let out a huge sigh of relief, "Whew! Dad don't scare me like that. I'm glad everything's okay. Thanks for supporting me all the way." I said in a happy manor. Present Mic had returned and started to hype up the crowd for the quarter finals. I asked my dad, "Do you wanna watch the first two matches with me before I have to fight? We're both watching live so I figured we could react together." I said with a small giggle. He replied, "I'd love to son," as I sat back in my chair and watched the opening match start.

The first match of the quarter finals was Midoriya versus Todoroki. I thought to myself before the match started, "I've seen how Todoroki uses an ice quirk, but I haven't seen Midoriya use his quirk yet, I wonder what it is?" I questioned as the match began. My question was soon answered though as Todoroki used his ice and created spikes that shot up out of the ground. As it approached Midoriya, he bent one of his fingers back and then flicked it forward. This resulted in a huge shockwave being sent forward, breaking the ice and causing Todoroki to slide backward a little bit. Todoroki stopped himself from sliding by creating an ice wall behind him. He then continued to send more ice spikes at Midoriya with Midoriya continuing to counter the same way each time. Eventually Todoroki's ice began to slow down, as frost had begun to encase his right side. This let Midoriya close the distance between them. Midoriya landed a solid punch to Todoroki's chest and sent him flying back, nearing the edge of the stadium. Right before Todoroki was sent out of bounds he quickly created an ice wall behind him to stop him from leaving the arena. He and Midoriya then had a long chat with each other but I couldn't tell what they were saying, I could only see what they were doing on a tv screen. I could see Todoroki starting to smile as something unexpected happened. Todoroki's left side had caught on fire. My dad yelled to me in my cell phone, "Son, are you seeing this!?" I responded to him, "I am! He has more than one quirk too, fire and ice!" I said in disbelief. We continued to watch the match unfold as Todoroki sent Midoriya flying to the other side of the stadium, landing inside the boundaries. I got a good look at Midoriya and saw that his arms were seriously messed up. "But Todoroki's quirk couldn't have done that to him. Midoriya must have some sort of super strength quirk that causes backlash on himself." I thought to myself, trying to stay focused on the intense match. I could see Todoroki's left side beginning to produce more and more flames, like he was charging up and attack. Midoriya seemed to be doing the same as his right arm, battered and bruised, had begun to glow. Todoroki lifting his arm, preparing to fire his attack on Midoriya who launched himself towards Todoroki. Todoroki shot his massive flame at Midoriya who readied his fist to meet the attack. However, Midnight declared that these attacks could cause serious damage, possibly even killing one of the students. Barriers were formed from the ground to try and stop their attacks but they both broke through them like butter. Their attacks met and a gargantuan explosion shook the stadium. I could feel the explosion even in my waiting room, I had no words, my jaw might as well have hit the floor. My dad trying to see if i'm still on the line, "Son!? Are you still there!? What happened!?" It took me a few seconds to come back to my senses but I finally answered him. "I don't know what happened. You saw what happened right!? I can't believe what I just saw!" My face still looking in awe at the tv screen, saw the smoke had begun to clear. We were about to find out who won, if there's anything left of either of them. The smoke cleared and the first to appear was Todoroki. The left side of his training jacket was just gone, but he was still inside the arena boundaries. After more smoke cleared, Midoriya came into view. He was unconscious and embedded into a wall outside of the arena. Midnight made the final call, "Midoriya is out of bounds! Todoroki Advances!" It took the crowd a second to come back around but eventually they started cheering again. Midoriya was placed on a stretcher and was rushed out of the stadium. Todoroki, slowly getting up, walked out of the arena with a smile on his face. 

The next round of the quarter finals was between Iida and Shiozaki. I rooted for Shiozaki as she made her way onto the arena. Present Mic introduced them and the match was underway. Shiozaki sent her vines into the ground, hoping to catch Iida before he could get close to her. Iida however, used some sort of special move, to propel himself at shiozaki faster than any time I had seen him run. I almost missed seeing him move as he grabbed Shiozaki, turned her around and pushed her just out of bounds. "Shiozaki is out of bounds, Iida advances to the next round!" Midnight called out as the crowd roared with excitement. I thought to myself, "No, not Shiozaki too. I'm the only one left from my class now." My dad spoke into the phone, "Sorry about your classmate son, she did very well." I thanked him, "Thanks dad, I guess it's up to me now." I started to exit the waiting room, and headed towards the arena. "You can do it son, go get em'!" My dad said as I turned off my phone and continued down the hallway. 

On my way to the arena I passed by a corner and saw Todoroki standing in front of the number 2 hero: Endeavor. They seemed to be having a conversation but I didn't want to intrude because it may distract me. I overheard them talking as I walked by. "You've finally accepted the gift that I passed onto you Shouto." Endeavor said to Todoroki. "I didn't do it for you, I did it for myself, as myself. I'll never be like you." Todoroki said back to Endeavor. Overhearing them, I made the connection that they were father and son. I looked back quickly to see if I could see any resemblance between them. What I saw made me stop in my tracks. I saw Endeavor raise his hand and slap Todoroki across the face, yelling to him "Don't you dare say that to your father. You'll grow up one of these days and stop being rebellious. You will end up like me sooner or later and forget about your right side!" I turned around and marched over to Endeavor who was preparing to slap Todoroki again. I stepped in between them and used my psi to catch Endeavors arm before it made contact with Todoroki. "Stop it sir! Let him be! He's his own person and can use his quirk however he likes! Now leave!" I yelled to Endeavors face. He glared down to me, looking like he wanted to kill me, "You've got a lot of nerve to say that to me punk. Here's a lesson, don't interfere with someone else's personal family problems, otherwise you may end up getting hurt." He said to me while harshly putting his hand on my right shoulder. I replied to his comment, "I'm just protecting my friends from others who wish to hurt them, now as I said before, back off!" I yelled out to him again. Todoroki began to look surprised at me as he couldn't believe that I had just called him his friend. Endeavor took his hand off of my shoulder and began to walk away. "You'll learn your place in this world, you're nothing compared to me or my Shouto. You have no chance!" He chuckled as he disappeared out of view. 

I looked behind me to Todoroki who still had that surprised look on his face. "Are you okay Todoroki?" I asked him. It took Todoroki a few seconds to reply but eventually he did. "Yeah, i'm fine. But why did you help me? We don't even know each other." I began to smile at him, "I care very much about respect towards other people. I hate seeing others being disrespectful, andi'll always stand up to them. I saw him talking to you as if you were his puppet, like he owned you. He needs to learn that you are your own being and you can make your own decisions." Todoroki gave me a faint smile and began to walk away, "Thank you Cryshiki." I called to him before he left my sight, "Please just call me Cry!" and he soon turned a corner and I was left alone. I turned back around and continued down the hallway to the entrance to the arena.

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