Chapter 59- More Plotting

Start from the beginning

"W-what do I do now then? He has not contacted me yet but I have a feeling he will have my head for this! Y-you have to help me you sa-"

"Listen everything will be fine...I'll talk to Yotsune about this. J-just stop talking."

There was another moment of silence before Hexalus spoke in a more concerned way.

"Did something happen? You're not acting like your usual self."

Ausra closed her eyes once more trying to concentrate. She felt the burning sensation of the pain pounding away at her as she struggled to move once more.

Even though moving was hard as it was it would keep some of the pain at bay if she wasn't concentrating on it. She had to keep moving until she got back to where she needed to be.

"Hexalus. There's going to be a slight addition to our plans... we'll still keep going with our original plan but there's something new we'll have to work on."

Hexalus let out a sigh but replied modestly.

"What do you need?"

"Kami, we must find out what he is..."

Hexalus seemed to remain silent in confusion. He had little to no idea what it was she was talking about so he decided to ask.

"W-what do you mean...?"

Ausra stumbled around again as she saw the door she was looking for at a distance. Just a little longer and she would be able to go through the process once more. Before she suffered at the hands of Kami, she used to believe that was the most torturous device she could have created to work alongside her powers. For that reason, she had only used it ever a few times but now she couldn't wait to have this overwhelming pain wash away by such a miniscule device.

"I'll let you know more details about it later on...I'm busy right now..."

With those last words she hung up the communication that was linking Hexalus and herself.

Ausra had a bit of a special ability ever since she arrived in this world. She first learned about it when she had died as a newcomer. Her body would burst into flames upon her death and she would rise once more after a predetermined amount of time. Not only that but she noticed every time this would happen her stats would increase. In essence, she could die and would return to life stronger than before. She learned after studying her ability a bit longer than her soul was essentially recycling itself, renewing her existence in this world and fortifying it. Her passive [Phoenix Rises] was her ticket to her overpowered nature despite only being a human.

After some more time she learned that in all existence across time her power was the only one that could tap into the energy of a soul, even if only a little. Even the Gods, as powerful and almighty as they were could not and did not even know of its presence. After an arduous amount of time she spent here she created a  device alongside the help of many of the God's Yotsune had on his command that would essentially be able to forge the outer layer of her soul.

It was something similar to what she felt Kami doing but nowhere near as intense. If she had to compare it; her device would barely cover the outside of her soul while Kami's power could reach further into it and potentially do more. Comparison of a puddle versus a vast ocean.

Ever since then she had worked on trying to harness the pure energy of a soul and transform it to her will. This was what she had many of the Gods who worked for her do in different ways. Yotsune who learned of this from her decided to help her cause as long as it would also benefit him. In reality, she could care less if Yotsune would use her findings on using the energy of a soul to his benefit. She had something else in mind when and if she ever got the info she needed.

Finally she got close enough to the door she was seeking as she managed to open it and stumble inside. There was what looked like a well inside filled to the brim with dark muddy water. On top of that there was a large lid engraved with different glyphs. The lid was strapped onto a machine that held it in place, making sure it wouldn't fall.

This was what she wanted to reach the most as fast as possible. She couldn't handle this pain much longer and would go through this process to try and get rid of it. She walked up to a small monitor and activated it.

"I really hope this thing is enough..."

There was a loud noise as the machine holding the lid began gradually moving around. Steam began fizzling from the ground as she stumbled onto the well.

After this, all she could hope was that her soul would be mended enough for her to no longer have to go through this for the rest of her existence.

Ausra took a deep breath and let herself fall into the well.

The reaction of the machine was almost immediate as it lowered the cover on top of the well and tightly closed it. The room began to glow red as the steam intensified covering any form of vision. There was a bright glowing light emanating from the well and from the lid signifying that the glyphs lined up across the it were activated.

There was an intense heat that arose from the well as gradually Ausra screams began to fill the room.

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