Chapter 54- Charmed City

Start from the beginning

Sayu stared at the prince as he looked at her.

The prince gave a light chuckle once more.

"I suppose we are indebted to you for taking care of that monster. However, I'm not sure I can so easily believe you are a Goddess, no matter how beautiful and strong you are. Gods do not tend to come to our world and meddle in our affairs, they influence our realm from a distance."

The rest of them looked at each other again and agreed.

Gods and Goddess did not live in the mortal realm as they called it. They had their own plain of existence in which they inhabited. Their realm was known to mortals as OtherWorld. Within OtherWorld existed Celestia which is where Goddess Iatra claimed domain. It was told that whatever God claimed the throne of Celestia was the ruler of all Tyr. For this reason, many worshipped Goddess Iatra as the Goddess above all other Gods.

On the other hand of the spectrum God of Calamity ruled over Abyss which also existed with OtherWorld. Abyss was essentially were all Gods who were not under Celestia's rule would live. The throne to Abyss was said to give which ever God claimed the throne powers that would equal those of the one of Celestia. However, for centuries now this had not been the case. The Gods of Celestia had considerably weaken the Abyss and the power it provided to the one true Dark God was diminished.

In return God of Calamity had been trying to claim the throne of Celestia and the Abyss for thousands of years. After a long struggle he overthrew the last Dark God of the Abyss and claimed the throne as his own. He turned his attention towards Celestia but as he found out, his power was still too low for such an ambitious plan.

Every so often though a new God would be born into the mortal realm, and they would live in it until the Abyss or Celestia would eventually claim that God into their own army. Celestia tended to be more towards allowing Gods to join while the Abyss generally forced Gods into their army. Once a God has been thrown into a side they receive the mark of either Abyss or Celestia.

"If it's true you are a God, may I ask, is it true the cities are paved with the finest jewels humanity has ever seen? Such treasure would be better spent giving it off the ones in need, do you not agree?"

Thief's eyes glowed once more as she began to giggle deviously.

Sayu frowned her eyebrows and remained quiet.

The prince smiled at her deciding to change the topic.

"Sir Asahi, where is this Hero Kami you spoke highly off. Many of the people here suspected he would have showed up back at the Dungeon when they learned Goddess Sayu was Kami's Assistant I believe was the title."

Asahi gently bowed before speaking.

"We're not sure exactly, your highness. We hope where ever he is though that the blessings of Goddess Iatra are with him."

"Ha, stupid mortals." Sayu mumbled in a low voice.

The prince and the others heard what she said as they looked at each other with a worried expression.

Upsetting a God was definitely not in their interest.

The gathering of people continued to walk along the roads of the city of Alzel. Some of them had gone about their own way now figuring was a good time to just disband and head on home. Others choose to remain together and follow Sayu and the prince, to see what was next.

It was almost lifeless around the city; besides them, there was not much sign of anyone else walking about. It was getting dark and the streets were empty and silent giving of a ghost town vibe.

"The hell is with this place. I know there was a dragon attack two weeks ago but now it looks like everyone is too scared to come out." spoke Hiromichi as he looked around.

"Perhaps there was another incident besides the dragon attack that we do not know of. Let us make haste to the castle and find our answers there."

It was a strange feeling of loneliness as they decided to make their way towards the castle. Something was going on in this city that was causing such a dampen mood and the prince wanted to find out.

The time passed rather quickly as they finally reached the castle and made their way inside. The larger group of people were forced to wait outside while the prince allowed Sayu and her companions inside.

Even inside the castle which was usually much brighter and had much more upbeat feel to it was now desolant and gloomy. There was barely any light illuminating the way towards the throne room as the prince made his way inside.

They looked around and saw that it was empty besides one shadow that sat in the middle of the room where the throne was.

Prince Masfrit gave a delightful smile as he recognized the man but suddenly stopped.

"F-father what has happened to you?"

The man in front of him was worn out, with bags under his eyes and lack luster eyes that had the light removed from them. His appearance was sloppy at best and his hair had lost all signs of color giving it a messy grey look.

The King raised his eyes at his son and gave him vicious stare.

A second shadow appeared from behind the Kings throne as it stood next to the King. It was a masked man who stood tall, loaming over the area with confidence.

"Who are you?" asked Prince Masfrit in confusion.

Sayu suspected something off was going on here as she looked around the area preparing for anything.

The rest of them realized it as well as the grew defensive.

"Foolish boy, why did you not die back at the Dungeon, very well then, you shall meet your end here along with those behind you!" spoke the King.

From the shadows emerged dark figures with glowing red eyes that staggered 10 feet tall over them. They were like blobs made of pure darkness that slowly moved towards them.

The group slowly backed away as they stared at the monsters surrounding them.

"Such a shame, once we get rid of everyone in this Kingdom, we.'ll just have to start another Dungeon all over again." spoke the man in the mask

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