Chapter 45-At the Campsite

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"Halt! What is your business here?" asked one of the guards.

"Tch, you're kidding me, right?! We're freaking adventurers dumb ass!? What do you think?!" yelled out Hiromichi.

"Beast Tamer, silence. I apologize for my associate here. We were sent by the King to look for the prince and return him to Alzel." Asahi said pulling out an Emblem confirming his standing with the King.

The guards immediately lowered their weapons and gave a slight bow.

"Please, forgive our rudeness, if you would follow me I would be more than happy to take you to the prince himself" said one of the guards in a humble tone.

Asahi nodded his head and looked back at the rest of the group as they started following the guard into the campsite.

They looked around and noticed that not everyone here was part of the guards sent with the prince. There were others who looked like adventurers walking about eating, resting, or just talking among each other. As they moved through the crowd many of them stared. They were a new crowd of adventure's that had not been seen around the campsite.

Asahi and the group approached a tent as the guard held his hand up letting them know to stop.

"I will let the His Royal Highness know you are here, please wait a moment."

The guard headed inside the tent leaving them to wait for his return.

"Tch, freaking royalty man, can't we just go inside we're already here to save his sorry ass."

"Settle down Beast Tamer, there are procedures to this, we can't just barge in and do as we please." replied Asahi.

"T-that remind me we came here to save the prince and have the King release you guys from jail, how are you here?" asked Marie.

"Well the freaking King actually called up Kami and decided to let us go as long as we came here to rescue his son. I was more than inclined to just get the hell out of this entire Kingdom but I was set free only thanks to Kami so guess I owe the bastard one."

"Does this mean your expunged from all your past crimes?"

"Hell if I know but I suppose so, at least once we get this guy back to his daddy. Tch, why you have to word it like that though in front of the kid?!" he yelled out looking over at Himari.

Himari looked up at him and smiled.

She was well aware that Hiromichi was responsible in part for her parent's disappearance but she didn't feel any animosity towards him. All she wanted was to find them and make sure they were safe. After that, she wondered what she would do. She always wanted to grow up to be a Hero and as much as she thought about going back to Itsu Village and spending her life there, most of her wanted to continue traveling with Kami and grow stronger. Even now what she was doing was what she had hoped to do in the future, save people from situations like this. All this had kind of come about that moment the curse was temporarily lifted.

The guard emerged from within the tent as he signaled them to come in.

"His Royal Highness will see you now"

They headed inside to find a couple of other familiar faces in there.

Sayu along with Keishi and Sebastien were all standing next to a slim man in armor. His armor was spotless and gave a light silver glow. He looked up at them and smiled at them with a set of pearl white teeth. His dark hair was rolled back almost jelled up and his eyes were warm despite their black luster in them.

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