Chapter 42- Running Luck

Start from the beginning

"Filthy creatures. Why Kami allows them to exist can only be described as mercy."

Thief stared in front of her as the smoke cleared up. 

It was Sayu  who stood proud and tall as she held up a Zombie onto the air with one  hand. The Zombie struggled to break free from her grip as it scratched at her arms but did nothing to her skin. The Zombies eyes and mouth began to glow with an intense light as it started shaking violently before becoming lifeless.

"M-madame Sayu, I must say you are perhaps the most terrifying woman I have met" said another voice.

Sebastien stepped up from the other side of the wall holding a bow as he looked at Sayu holding the dead corpse.

Sayu loosen her grip as the zombie's body fell to the ground.     

"S-she was that girl..." Thief said out loud as she stared at the commotion.

If  she remembered correctly this girl was also with them when they entered  the dungeon so it was more than likely that this was one of Kami's  companions. She had also carried her around now that she thought back at  how she had been tossed to the ground when she was regaining conscious.

Thief grinned with satisfaction as she casually strolled up to the two of them who were somewhat distracted.

"Hi! You were that girl following Kami around right?!" she said abruptly

Sayu was surprised to suddenly hear someone's  voice like that out of the blue. She looked at Thief in a confused  manner. In her eyes some random girl had just walked up to them and  started talking like meeting old friends. However, the mention of Kami pulled her attention.

"Who were you again?" asked Sayu as she continued to stare at her.

"Ku! Don't you remember me? You carried me around while I was unconscious, that was a bit rude to throw me just like that by the way!" Thief groaned

Sayu eyes wandered a bit before she looked at Thief once more.

"Right the one that smelled of alcohol and failure."

Thief coughed as if she had been insulted. She stared back at Sayu in an angry manner before yelling at her.

"I-It's not very nice of you to point out things like that! You're the one that was carrying me anyway I didn't ask you to do that, ku ku!"

"I  wouldn't have bother to begin with unless Kami asked me to. It was you  or that big oaf. I personally would have left the both of you on the side, not sure why he bothers having you two around."

"W-what is that supposed to mean?"

Sayu lifted her chest up and spoke in boasting manner.

"You  two seemed more like a liability than an asset. In truth, you two  should have been the ones carrying Kami around praising him just for  allowing you near his presence. Instead you are two little life forms  who don't know their place in this world."

Thief was taken aback but at the same time her anger grew. She wasn't sure who this girl thought she was but everything she said sounded ridiculous to her. Sure, Kami was a great Hero but praising him for something so silly? Thief was convinced this girl was a little too into Kami.

"Shhh! Two roses such as yourselves should not be fighting. You, exquisite dame, are you also lost? I Sebastien Vautour shall help you back to our camp!"

Sayu closed her eyes and sighed as she walked back through the other side of the wall.

Thief  on the other hand felt relieved. She could finally get somewhere safe  where she wouldn't have to be looking over her shoulder or watching her  every step.

"Yes,yes please!"

"This way then-" Sebastien stared at her as he gave her a witty smile.

"Just call me Thief" she said as she walked up Sebastien.

Sebastien offered his hand as he continued to smile at her.

Thief on the other hand found it a bit weird and decided to ignore him. She walked past Sebastien following on Sayu's lead leaving him stone cold behind.

Sebastien coughed as he regained his composure and followed after Thief.

"This Kami fellow must be quite the gentleman then if my charms don't work."

Thief  snickered as she heard this. It wasn't that Kami was anything great  besides his insane ability to take down anything so far in one hit; it  was something else for Thief at least. Kami was supposed to  be an easy money scheme for her and she would stick by it until he  brings results to the table. She wasn't sure what the grip on Sayu Kami had but it seemed a bit fanatic.

"Ku, so where to now?" 

"Ah madame Sayu  knows the way back at this point. We have gone out a few times to find  others but no luck. She seems terribly bothered by not finding her  lover."

Sayu looked back with an angry expression yelling out at him.

"Kami is not my lover you disgusting ape!"

Sebastien let out a small chuckle and raised his arms in front of himself. He shook them as if intimidated by her rebuttle.

"If this is true madame Sayu, then this is good for moi! We still have a date we must-"

Sayu walked off before Sebastien could finish leaving him once again feeling stone cold.

Thief  felt exhausted following this conversation. All she wanted was to make  her to safety at this point as she continued to follow Sayu.

"Ku, Kami where ever you are, I'm going to find you and make sure you pay up."

A/N: Hi guys quick notes! I'm sorry about not posting in the last 3 days or so. Decided to put the notes at the bottom this time around. I haven't been 100% this whole time but I'm hoping to get back on track as soon as possible. These few chapters are personally going to feel a bit slow in terms of any real events happening anyway considering I'm going to regroup everyone at this point. I do apologize for the wait and hope you still continue to enjoy the story.

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