Chapter 33- The Prince's Guards

Start from the beginning

The man regained composure and smiled as he gently groomed his stubble beard.

"Did I leave ze Madame speechless? I cannot blame, I am quite the looker. Thou I must say, you are the most exquisite dame I have ever seen." he spoke once more with confidence eyeing Sayu.

Sayu was unaffected by any of this man's compliments and simply stared at them with her sword ready just in case they tried to make any moves.

"Belle femme, please lower your weapon, we are ze personal guards of the Royal Prince Masfrit. I am Sebastien Vautour, at your service!" he said giving a light bow.

Sayu relaxed a bit but still kept her sword out in case this man tried anything funny.

"Perhaps you would like to join us back at our camp jeune beauté? We have found others who also found themselves lost in this trou de l'enfer of a Dungeon!"

She immediately perked up and lowered her weapon entirely. It is very likely that this man was talking about Kami or one of the others.

"Yes, that sounds fine by me." Sayu spoke still a bit cautious but a lot more willing.

"Oui! Boys! We have a guest with us! Behave and make a good impression for moi!" Sebastien smiled once more at Sayu as if to show his authority over the rest of the men.

The rest of the guards responded with a clank of their armor and formed up in line.

"Come, come! We shall head back at once!"

"B-but sir we were sent by the prince to look for a way out,s-should w-"

Sebastien lifted his hand at the guard and placed his other free hand on his chest in a dramatic fashion.

"No,no,no! My dear friend! The young Madame here takes priority. She must be protected and kept safe! Now, allez, c'est parti!"

He took a quick look at Sayu and approached her almost getting a little too uncomfortably close to her.

"Pardon, but what was ce delightful name of yours?"

Sayu felt that although this man did not possess a threat as an enemy that he was still a bit weird. She had seen things like these while observing Creation and came to the conclusion that he was attempting to, as they say, 'flirt with her'.

"Sayu, can we move on now?" she said as she walked past him.

Sebastien let out a whistle and followed after her.

"I must say I have never seen a... beauty such as yourself. May I ask why some like you is here Madame Sayu?"

Sayu gave a heavy sigh as she responded to the man's question.

"I am here with someone. I simply wish to find them as soon as possible."

Sebastien face turned into a worried expression as he replied in a hurt tone.

"Oh? Some other monsieur perhaps? You break my heart madame. Here I thought you and I could know each other some more, oui?"

Sayu felt chills for the first time in her life. She had seen the result of male species attempting to seduce females and she had thought the whole thing was a bit disgusting. She never did understand the whole process of lusting over each other's bodies or even a purer example of that being love. She felt loved when in came to Kami or even returned that mutual feeling but this was a more mortal way of looking at things. At the same time though she imagined this form of love she had was that of a child and a parent with Kami. This is probably why she had over reacted when it came to finding Kami, considering she felt like she had been abandoned after all this time. Not to mention leaving Creation as well felt like he was saying 'I don't care anymore' which stung her to think he would feel that way.

"Madame, 'Ello? Madame Sayu are you still with moi?" Sebastien asked curiously getting awfully close to her once more.

Sebastien was entranced by this woman. He had never in his life seen one such as this. Her beauty was indescribable to him. Her glow and demeanor in general radiated strength and confidence. Her looks were on par with any Goddess he could imagine existing out there. Had she told him that she was one sent to save them he would have believed it and immediately dropped to his knees. However, this was better for him, he felt that this woman being mortal meant she was a form of conquest.

He was particularly curious about her clothing. It was strange but seemed to really bring out her aspects. It was all white clothing and the material was strange, something foreign he had never seen. The design to it was also strange but she gave the feel of someone high and important. However, he recognizes the types of shoes as they were heels. He knew only royalty or nobles could afford such luxury which is why he was so curious as to why someone like her would be here.

"S-sir, we have a problem!" one of the guards yelled out.

From the side of the wall there was a passage that was dark and had no light coming through it. A hissing could be heard as a large snake tail uncoiled itself.

The guards took their weapons out as a pair of two glowing green menacing eyes pierced through the darkness and slowly made its way out of it. As it did, the top of the body looked human. It was a woman's body but it had some snake characteristics.

For starter, her eyes were slanted like one and she had black scales on her hands that almost looked like she was wearing long dark gloves. Her tongue which she seemed to be hissing with frequently was long and split at the end. The rest of her human body was smooth and she was almost unearthly attractive.

However, the guards once more raised their guard when the rest of her body slid out revealing a long dark snake body. She was large and easily looked over the rest of the group with ease.

"I-it's a NAGA!" yelled out one of the guards as he was swung into the wall instantly by the tail of the monster.

The rest of the guards spread across the area to make sure they wouldn't easily be the next target of the monster.

The Naga let out a horrid screech before looking back at the man.

Sebastien for the first time had a serious expression as he looked over at Sayu.

"Excuse Madame but our date will have to wait!"

As he said this he headed into the combat area leaving Sayu standing there watching the fight unfold.

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