A n n i v e r s a r y

Start from the beginning

" Remember, we met in that room. During class." He smiled.

" You know that for a fact?" You ask.

" Of course, I'll never forget." He smiled and kissed your forehead.

" Come on, the next stop will take us a little bit." He said, lacing his fingers with yours.

You smile at Tamaki and follow along with him. You two eventually followed a path through the forest, and ended up at the clearing from your first date. There weren't any laterns this time, but there was a picnic basket and blanket their for you two.

" You remember where this is, right princess?" He asks and leans his head on yours.

" Of course I do, you can even see the stars tonight." You smile and look up.

He looks up with you and smiles even brighter.

" Come on! Lets eat! I packed some special deserts for the two of us!" He said and ran towards the blankets.

You laughed at him, he looked like an idiot running up a hill in a fancy suit. You followed him, and layed down on the blankets next to him.

" It's so beautiful tonight." Tamaki said and carressed your cheek.

" I sense a cheesy pick up line coming, so please change the topic." You said.

You two laughed for a second while Tamaki moved closer to you. He smiled sweetly and rested his forehead on yours.

" Princess, I love you. Do I tell you that enough. You're absolutely perfect, and could never ask for any better." He said.

" I love you, Prince. Do I tell you that enough. You have your ups and downs, but in the end I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend" You replied.

" Ah! You're so adorable (Y/N)." He gushed and squished your cheeks together.

You laughed and spoke with a weird voice due to your squished face, " Are we gonna' eat yer or what?"

Tamaki squealed like a fangirl, and picked up a small contained of chocolate covered strawberries out. You didn't bother questioning where he got them, but he held one out infront of your face.

" Say ah! I'm going to feed all of these to you!" Tamaki exclaimed.


The rest of the night was a mini trip down memory lane, and it ended with the limo parked at the end of a market. By the time you reached the market, most of the stores were closed but you both like window shopping.

Tamaki noticed the limo not so far ahead of you two and took ahold of your hand. He traced circles are the back of it before stopping at your ring.

" This ring... You always wear it and it makes me so... Happy! One day I promise, I'll replace with a real one." He said and looked you carefully in the eyes.

" I can't wait for that day, Tamaki." You smiled and wrapped your arms around him.

He hugged you back, then started crying. Tamaki could be emotional sometimes, it was sort of sweet to see him cry happy tears around you.

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