Chapter 19-Appealing to the Masses

Start from the beginning

He stopped in front of her and crouched as he gave her a smile.

"So, what's with that Luck stat you have? Is that something anyone else can get or was it just some birth-born thing people talk about around these parts?"

Thief flinched in pain as she looked at him feeling shocked yet again.

This guy had just destroyed a powerful enemy with what was the most powerful thing she had seen anyone do and he was curious about her Luck stat?

"L-listen I'm not exactly in a chatty mood right now g-guy so as much as I appreciate what you did c-could you not, ku." she replied closing her eyes and trying to focus on holding back her pain.

"Ah I see you seem to be in pain for some reason, I can probably help." Kami said as he lifted his fingers and snapped them.

There was a sudden aura of glow that surrounded Thief and a wave of peace and strength filled her body. The pain retreated almost instantly as she sat there dumbfounded for a few seconds before standing up and examining herself.

The adventures again awed at the act in which Kami had performed.

"T-this man is no ordinary Hero! Who could bring wrath from the skies to his enemies and at the same time heal those that which no one else could with the snap of his fingers"

"He must be a Godkin! W-wait can the stories be true then?!"

"This must be the Hero of Tyr who would come in humanity's most desperate time of need and save us from the dark forces!"

Kami tilted his head and let out a sigh.

Back to this Hero of Tyr business. Just who exactly is the Hero of Tyr supposed to be anyway besides some mythical-level legends or something. Is there a requirement or is it just the first sight of something amazing someone does they become the Hero of Tyr. Maybe it's a self-given title? Whatever I'm more interested in this whole Luck business and why I don't have it but she does.

Kami turned his attention back to the girl standing in front of him.

When he did so she flinched backwards a bit before speaking up.

"T-thanks guy! How did you do that?!"

"I suppose you can talk now right? So, what's this Luck thing about?"

Thief looked around for a second confused as to how he could be talking about her in front of all these people.

"Shouldn't you be...doing Hero stuff instead right now? Like catering to the others questions and receiving praises or something?"

Kami continued to stare at her curiously as he spoke once more.

"Yeah, yeah I'll get to them in a moment it's just, this is really interesting I can't help but feel a bit cheated now."

"C-cheated, he's saying cheated?!This damn hero guy just killed a freaking DRAGON in one shot like it was the easiest thing and he's feeling cheated that he doesn't have a Luck stat?!" Thief thought staring back at him with an annoyed face.

"Ku, I don't have time for this!"

With that she activated her [Stealth] before leaping away with great speed.

The adventures once again flooded him now that his business was done as Kami stared blankly in front of him.

"Did she just go invisible and leave? A 'hey thanks for healing me' would have been nice at least. I'll deal with that later I suppose." he murmured in a low tone.

He turned his attention back to the crowd as he answered many of their questions and chatted with some of them. A few people outside the large group of adventures took notice when they slowly made their way back into the city now that they saw no dragon flying in the air. Out of curiosity they made their way towards them and began asking questions only to soon find out about the heroic deed Kami had done.

In his entire existence he had never really got to interact with his creations per say. He would help them out a lot of times saving them from disasters or stopping bad things from happening to them in general but it was always from a distance. For the first time in his life the ones he saved knew it was him and they were actually capable of thanking him directly.

A few minutes had gone by before a he heard in the distance a few voices that were familiar.

He noticed Marie in the far back on the crowd waving her hand as he waved back and made his way towards her.

A lot of the people tried to stop him and ask him more questions or simply wanted to be around him for no other purpose than seeing him but Kami easily pushed past the crowd.

He finally made it towards Marie and the rest of them stood there staring at him.

Himari excited to see Kami was well ran to him and hugged him.

"Mister Kami! Keishi said the barrier was going to kill you but I didn't believe him!"

"Hmph, little snitch" spoke Keishi as he looked around the crowd avoiding Kami's gaze.

"So, what now man? It looks like something big was going on here and you did something without us, what's the hell of a deal?" asked Hiromichi as he crossed his arms and looked around nervously.

"Young Kami, I'm glad you are well. I did not believe the barrier would be enough to take one down such as yourself but I could not help but worry." said Asahi

Mari delightfully clapped her hands together and smiled at him.

She wasn't completely sure what was going on but whatever it was she was convinced Kami had done something that saved many lives.

Kami nodded his head lost in thought once more before walking up towards Hiromichi and snapping his fingers.

Hiromichi suddenly felt restricted once more by the ropes made of energy as he fell to the floor and began struggling to break free.

"W-what the hell is this?!" yelled out Hiromichi.

Kami smiled brightly towards some guards standing nearby who were looking at him shocked before he spoke up.

"This is the Wild Beast Tamer of the North, I do believe there's a bounty for him, correct?"

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