Chapter 1- The Runaway God

Start from the beginning

"So why not just close up that universe, bring all the believers into heaven and put a stop to it?" questioned the angel as she continued to flap her wings.

"Ah that's a stupid question what about the other creations I put in there." He walked off towards a shelf that had suddenly appeared. The shelf contained many other RPG titles.

The angel glanced at the game he was playing and saw that Kami had already defeated the five thousand slimes to receive the sword. She murmured in a low tone

"He cheated?"

"Hey hey hey!" Kami looked at her in a panic tone "I don't cheat! Everyone just moves too slow for what I do I practically got this done ten minutes ago. Ask me how that's possible if I just started playing five minutes ago. Go on then."

"Of course, your most-"

"Shush" he returned his attention to the shelf in front of him.

He only wished he could find something exciting to do besides creating universes and fixing them up after giving them free will or some dark enemy lurking around messing them up. If only he could live his life as one of the heroes from one of his favorite RPG's. Suddenly his face lit up as he looked up at Sayu.

"Sayu listen to me closely, I just had a brilliant idea!"

With great speed she took out what appeared to be a tablet and looked closely at him. She seemed ready to write down and complete any request he gave her.

"What other idea for a universe do we have today Almighty?" she asked with great care.

"No no no, nothing like that. I'm going into one of the universe I created and live life as an adventurer. I've made enough RPG-style universes that I could pick one and interreact with it? That would be the first time in thousands of years that I've done that and definitely the first time I go into one as one of them!"

Sayu stared dumbfounded at the being in front of her.

"Not just that Sayu. I'll do this and help humanity as an adventurer. Imagine that! I would go from an adventurer to a hero to them as I stand against all enemy of them. I mostly just wanna go around traveling and doing all sorts of stuff but being a hero along the way wouldn't hurt."

"But your benevolence! You are already God of everything and everyone. Why strive for such a small title? "she replied in a frantic voice.

"Ah but not like this Sayu. Everyone is naturally expected to bow to me, for some reason, but with this I will be seen in a new light! Can you imagine? God in the front line against enemies of humanity. Is that not just a right cause to get everyone riled up! Including myself!"

"B-but with a snap of a finger you could just do THAT? Why do this?!" she asked in confusion.

"Sayu, it's just more fun that way. Just take it as word from God himself" he spoke as he lifted his fingers in a snapping motion.

"N-no wait Kami if you leave heaven unattended like this everything will fall apart!"

He froze for a second and began thinking. He was dead set on going to a universe where he would become not just an adventurer but a hero but he also wasn't going to be careless enough to leave all of creation unattended. He would have to leave someone in his stead. Someone who he could trust to do the right thing when it came down to it. Kami turned his eyes at her and smiled mischievously.

"Sayu, I now temporary assign you my role as God of All Creation. While you hold my job do take care of all my lovely creations, or you're fired."

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