Chapter 1- The Runaway God

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"If you could just take a look at this here Almighty Creator, over fifteen thousand planets that have recently collapsed on the edge of universe twenty-three and it would seem it wasn't by natural cause." spoke a tall woman.

She had long blond hair that was tight up into a bun and green eyes. Her figure was amazing almost like a walking goddess. She was dressed like an office assistant in a white variant of clothing. Even more so there were a pair of large white wings attached to her that she constantly swung around as if trying to move things along faster.

"I know I know. Universe twenty-three. Omniscient remember? It's Lucy throwing a tantrum again. Did I ever tell you that on THIS level specifically there's a rare sword drop when you kill respawnable slimes five thousand times? I mean that's insane who would spend hours killing slimes that many times? Me that's who." replied another voice.

This man was young looking and had red-brownish hair. His eyes gleamed light aqua blue. He was incredibly handsome even more so than your average Casanova and had simple plain clothing on. A white shirt and some white pants with white sneakers, casual enough apart from the color scheme. He sat in front of a small TV playing what appeared like a retro RPG game. The room was just white and nothing else was there besides the TV, and the two of them. His entire focus was on it as the woman spoke up once again.

"God, almighty across the heav-"

"Please stop with the praising already. Do you see this?! I totally dodge that slime this game is rigged!" he moaned out loud as he passionately continued to play his game.

"Kami, please there's a large amount of work that require your attention and we must get this done by the end of today. Handling all these universes you created is only something you can do" she replied

Kami simply raised his fingers at her and snapped them. He replied in a satisfied tone.

"There, I've rebuilt the planets back in their place. I swear those little rebel demon brats running around making a mess then I have to step in and clean it. You wanna live by yourself fine but stop breaking my stuff. I'll have a talk with him sooner or later."

"Great Benevolent Creator, oh might the Cosmos and all who live in it forever praise you, may your-"

Kami sighed and continued playing his game. The praising would take a while so he had a few minutes of free time before the next inevitable task would show itself. As his character swung his sword at the slimes he began to contemplate his everlasting life.

Ever since he could remember he had always had to be there to step in and fix something from the universe. From the first universe he had created and left to the other hundreds he had made after that. Maybe it was his fault but he couldn't help himself. If he suddenly had what he thought was a neat concept he would immediately start to work on making an entire universe around it until he lost interest and moved on to the next one. Out of everything he had created, universes where human created RPGs always caught his attention. Something about living your life as an everyday commoner who then becomes an adventure and lastly a hero was thrilling to him. The fantasy of it all the heroics and mostly the world around it. He had created a universe based around RPGs like these countless times and he always allowed them to run themselves. He never thought of putting his influence over those universes he created.

He gave a low moan as he heard the angel next to her continue to praise him. Even so he couldn't help but grow bored. He loved all he created but after watching it millions and millions of years' worth of time in action it grew a bit stale to him.

"Kami, did you hear what I said?"

"Yeah something about the humans from the first universe expecting the apocalypse soon or something. I tell you out of all the humans I created those are the most fanatic. Constantly praying for me to save them and stuff, I go take a look and everything seems to be running fine on its own. Sure, they have a bit of war here and there but mostly it's just peaceful. They want free will but soon as the get a boo-boo they come crying to me" he commented putting the control down and standing up.

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