Chapter 1

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(Y/N)! He shouted.

Tears were streaming down my cheeks as the man I once loved chased me down the apartments hallways. His brown hair stuck to his head after what he had just done to the woman he had just slept with.

"(Y/N), listen to me, please." He grabbed my arm to which I immediately yanked out of his grip.

"Why should I, Derek?" I hissed. His eyes widened with saddness as I said his name with venom. "Sleeping with another woman? You really think I'm just going to, 'listen'?"

He lowered his head, casting a  shadow on his eyes. "It's just-"

"Just what? You just needed some more attention? Was I not good enough?" I yelled, my voice echoing throughout the halls. I squeezed my hand into fists, my nails digging into my skin as my knuckles turned white.

I tried my best, I tried to make it last, my first relationship falls down with my boyfriend cheating on me? Why not he usual breakup for some shitty reason? The, it's not you it's me excuse?

"We're done Derek, don't ever show your face to me again." My (e/c) eyes picked up on the woman behind Derek as she covered herself with my starry blanket.

"And I'll also be coming for my stuff in Wednesday. I'm splitting our shared account in half."

I began to walk away before he mumble something. I turned and saw that the other woman was stroking his shoulder, trying to calm him down. I winced as Derek smacked her hand away.

"You dirty bitch." He whispered. I stopped to look back, not caring for what I looked like.

"What did you say to me?" I asked.

"I said." He stood up tall, his once friendly personality now replaced with a cold, unfamiliar glare.

"You dirty bitch!"

His hand connected to my cheek, a full forced slap that sent me stumbling back. A warm sting erupted on my cheek. My eyes widened along with the other woman's behind my ex. I fell the the ground, my head buzzing and giving me a headache. Derek began to kick me, gaining a nice crack to echo from my stiif back.

I wasn't going to lie, that first kick seemed to actually help, cracking my sore back, but the the second and third kick hit in he same spot, and It began to hurt. I tried to get up, but he just yanked my hair and pulled me back to the ground.

"Derek stop!" The other woman shouted, shaking his shoulder violently. Her look made me pity her, for she clearly didn't want this to happen to me. "She isn't worth it, please."

He stopped and looked at me. No doubt I had a bruise on my back, but I sure as hell didn't care, the pain in my heart was much more painful. It twisted and clenched as my mind went through all of the happy memories with him.

"I don't ever want to see you again either Y/N, get out." Derek growled.

"What was I doing in the first place." I mumbled a smart comeback under my breath. When I stood, my back ached, but I walked out of the apartment, my purse beside me as I walked out in the rain.

The rain was nice, if only I had a place to stay to watch it where I didn't have to get wet, then it would actually be comforting. But the only thing that was comforting was thoughts of a lightning bolt killing me right now and then.

Of course, it didn't happen.

I called my friend, the thought of comforting words meant more than anything at that monent, and I really just wanted to rant to someone. Even if they we're in Canada. After three rings, she picked up the phone.

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